-aich, -aichean, sf Carcase. 2 Dead body, corpse. Closach fiadh-bheathaich, a wild beast's carcase.
Parts of a Carcass of Beef as divided in Scotland:
1 Leasradh uachdar; Losaid — Lewis, MMcD Sirloin or back sey. 2 Dubh chléith; Cruachann — Lewis, MMcD, hook bone. 3 Màs buttock. 4 Bunamhas, sliasaid, large round, Rumball, rump. 5 Loch-bhléin thiugh, thick flank. 6 Loch-bhléin thana, thin flank. 7 Leas; Leis — Lewis, MMcD, small round. 8 Iosgaid, hough. 9 Earball, tail. 10 Slinnean, spare rib or fore sey. 11 Staoig mhór, large runner. 12 Staoig bheag, small runner. 13 Na h-aisnean, nineholes. 14 Broilleach, brisket. 15 Spòg thoisich, shoulder ..yar. 16 Amhach, neck. 17 Slugan, sticking piece, (up towards the neck) Sprogan — Lewis, MMcD.
Parts of a Carcase of Beef as divided in England: 
1 Leasradh; Losaid — Lewis, MMcD loin. 2 Cruachann, aitch bone. 3 Màs, rump. 4 Bunamhas; Sliasaid — Lewis, MMcD buttock. 5 Leas; Leis, — Lewis, hock. 6 Loch-bhléin thiugh, thick flank. 7 Loch-bhléin thana, thin flank. 8 Lurgainn, shin. 9 Earball, tail. 10 Aisean dheiridh, chuck rib. 11 Aisean mheadhanach, middle rib. 12 Aisean thoisich, fore rib. [In Lewis the joint between 10 & 11 is cut as a continuation of that between 14 & 15 and the piece then representing 11 & 12 is called "aisean thoisich" and the remainder of 10 "aisean mheadhanach." The Division between 1 & 2 is also moved farther forward about one-third and what is left of 1 is called "leasradh" or "losaid." With these exceptions a carcase of beef is divided in Lewis after the English fashion. — MMcD]. 13 Amhach & Broillein, clod, sticking piece & neck. 14 Broilleach, brisket. 15 Spòg thoisich, leg-of-mutton piece. 16 Lurgainn, shin. 17 Slugan, — Lewis.
Scots method of dividing a carcase of Mutton: 
1 Spòg dheiridh, Ceathramh deiridh — Lewis, jigot. 2 Leasradh; Aisnean cùl or droma — Lewis, loin. 3 Aisnean droma, back ribs. 4 Broilleach, breast. English Method: 1 Gualainn; Slinnean — Lewis, shoulder. 2 Amhach, neck. 3 Broilleach, breast. 4 Ceathramh, hind quarter. Leasradh — Lewis. 5 Spòg, leg. Ceathramh deiridh — Lewis. [The carcase of a sheep is cut in Lewis more after the English than the Scots style].
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