prep. Past, beyond, farther than. 2 More than, rather than. Seach an doras, past the door; cha déid e seach seo, he will not pass this or here; seach aon eile, rather than anyone else; seach leigeil dha dol seachad, rather than he should pass by; do aon seach aon, to one more than to another; seach a chéile, one from another, 2 one past the other; fear seach fear, one man more than another; chan aithne dhomh aon seach a chéile, I do not know one from the other; seach innseadh air, rather than inform against him, cha déid e seach am baile seo, he will not go beyond this village; seach e fhéin a mhilleadh, rather than spoil himself; tha sinne gu math dheth seach sluagh bochd nan Innsean, we are well off in comparison to the poor people of the Indies; fear mu seach, man by man, one by one, each in rotation; uair mu seach, time about; grathainn mu seach, while about; seach latha, still alive; a bheil e seach latha fhathast? is he still alive? — Suth'd. Seach is used as a prep. in two ways, as Seach gun iarradh iad i, seeing that they would look for her; and, seach iad 'ga h-iarraidh, rather than that they should look for her — Celtic Review, xii. 357. [Followed by the nom. case].
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