Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


-e, -ean, sf Garment. 2 Suit of clothes, dress, apparel. 3 Accoutrements. 4 Armour. 5 Protection, support. 6 Instrument, tool or tools. 7 Boat, coble. 8 Subject. 9 Object. 10** Kept miss. 11†† see culadh. 12‡‡ Any convenient or useful thing. 13* Materials. Culaidh is the word for a fishing boat in Sutherland, the word bàta being seldom heard there; nam bitheadh a' chulaidh agam, had I the material's; a culaidh bantraich, her widow's garments; gabhaidh culaidh mhath a chur air a' bhoin roimh Nollaig fhathast, the cow can be fattened up well yet before Christmas comes.
Culaidh-àbhachdais, object of mirth.
Culaidh a dhùsgadh nan deamhan, a means to rouse the devils.
Culaidh-aodaich, a suit of clothes.
Culaidh-bainnse, wedding suit.
Culaidh-bhrosnachaidh, incentive, provocation.
Culaidh-bhùird, or culaidh-bhùrta, butt, laughing-stock.
Culaidh-chiùil, musical instrument.
Culaidh-eagail, object of fear.
Culaidh-fhanaid, mocking-stock.
Culaidh-fharmaid, object of envy.
Culaidh-ghràbhalaidh, engraving tool.
Culaidh-ghràin, eyesore.
Culaidh-leighis, medicine, antidote.
Culaidh-mhagaidh, see culaidh-fhanaid. 2 object of merriment.
Culaidh-mhaitheis, business. 2 Level best. Nì mi mo chulaidh-mhaitheis, I will do my level best.
Culaidh-mheallaidh, dupe.
Culaidh-mhì-thlachd, object of disgust.
Culaidh-shiùil, canvas, materials for making sails, &c.
Culaidh-thàlaidh, decoy.
Culaidh-thruais, object of pity.

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tool 50
culaidh 100
tha mi deimhinnte ás 50
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