Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


-e, -ean, sf Square of cloth, usually tartan, worn over the shoulders of females, and fastened before with a brooch, female robe. 2 Ornament. 3 Petticoat. 4 Simar. 5 Hoop. [** says the earasaid covered the whole body and was worn without any underclothing]. Cha choisinn balbhan earasaid, 's chan fhaigh amadan oighreachd, a dummy won't win a mantle, nor a fool get an inheritance. The use of the word earasaid here is peculiar, the article of dress it denotes being known to us only as feminine. The second half of the proverb means that no fool can win a fortune — NGP.

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Àireamh nam breith buntainneis
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earasaid 50
sgàirneach 50