-e, -ean, sf Apparatus, implements, utensils, tackle, tools, appendages of any kind. 2 Salve, ointment. 3 Harness, equipage. 4 Rigging. Acainn an t-saoir, the carpenter's tools; acainn airson na coise, a salve for the (sore) foot; acainn gunna, the lock of a gun; acainn thogallach, distilling impements; acainn an eich, the horse's harness; acainn na slaite, the tackling of the fishing rod; acainn na luinge, the rigging of the ship; acainn sgrìobhaidh, writing utensils; acainn is inneil ciùil, instruments of music; acainn shaoirsneachd, joiner's or carpenter's tools; acainn na cartach, cart harness; acainn threabhaidh, ploughing harness; acainn chliathaidh, harrowing harness. Parts of a horse's harness (see illustration): 1 Sréinean dùbailt, double reins. “Srian” in W Isles generally means the head gear and the lines together; “claigeann” the part of the reins about the head. — JM. 2 Strap no Iall na h-iosgaid, haunch-strap. 3 Bràid, ‡ collar. Bràighde, — W Isles, JM. 4 Bràid chluaisean, hames. Siollachan, — W Isles, JM. 5 Srathair, saddle. A riding saddle is Dìollaid. 6 Briogais, breeching. 6a Briogais, breech-chains — JM (not seen in illust). 7 Dromanach, back-chain, in groove of saddle. 8 Cromagan na briogais, breeching-hooks. 9 Giort na cartach, cart belly-band. 10 Guailleachain, shoulder-slings, draught-chains, shoulder-chains. An tarrainn, — W Isles, JM. 11 Sparrag, aill-bheul, cabstar, ** bit. Sparrag, bridle-bit — DM. Mireannach Part of bit in horse's mouth. — W Isles, JM. 12 Gogalaich, blinders. 13 Arannach sréine, bridle-rein. 14 Iall na leasraidh, loin-strap. 15 Bann-droma, back-band. Druim (druimeal — Tiree) — JM. 16 Sìneachain-tarraing, trace-chains. An tarrainn — W Isles, JM. 17 Cromag-tharraing, draught-hook. 18 Greallag, stretcher, — W Isles, JM. 19 Giort, belly-band. (not seen in illust. of shaft-horse). Tarrach (from “tàrr” belly) — W Isles, JM. 20 Bonn dronnain, rump-band. 21 Sròinein, strap across the nose — W Isles. 22 Smeachan, strap below the jaws — W Isles, JM. 23 Cruipean, eislean, braman, ** crupper (strap through which the tail passes, not in illust). Gurpan, bod-chrann — DM. 24 Bann-bhràid, truis-bhràid ** band (strap joining the hames. Ploughing harness — W Isles, JM. Drumannach, back-band, used to keep the traces (sìntean) in position. 25 Bann-bràghad, sm hames-strap band of harness. 26 Beart-dheiridh, sf breeching. 27 Beart-bhronn, sf girth. 28 Beart-dheiridh-dialta, sf crupper. 29 Beulannach, sm 'bit' of a bridle. 30 Bronnach-dialta, sf saddle-girth. 31 Brùban, sf girth, belly-band. West coast of Ross-shire. 32 Brù-bheairt, sf girth. 32(a) Cab, sm 'bit' of a bridle. 33 Cabstair, sm bit (HSD). 34 Cairb, sf bent ridge of a girth saddle. 35 Ceannasg, sm headstall. 36 Ceum, sm 7 stirrup. 37 Claigeann-srathrath, sm timbers of girth saddle. 38 Clàir-shùl, sm blinders. 39 Crios, sm belly-band. 40 Copan-srèine, sm boss of a bridle (HSD). 41 Crann-bhràighd, pl. crainn-bhraighdean, sm plough-horse's collar. 42 Cromagan na briogais, sf Breeching hooks of a cart. 43 Cruipean, sm crupper. 44 Droman, sm back-band of a horse when in a cart. 45 Eislichean, sf pl stretchers from the ends of the tail beam to corresponding sides of saddle-crupper and stretchers together correspond to the breeching. (CR) The eisleach is the strap connecting the crupper with the saddle. 46 Gabhail, sf & m the stirrup strap. 47 Glomair, sm bridle. 48 Guailneanan, s pl traces of a carriage. 49 Iall-srèine, (CR) sf bridle-rein. 50 Iall-sròine, (CR) sf musrole, the band over a horse's nose. 51 Lùb-mhurain, sf rope of grass, plaited or woven in a horse-collar. 52 Méilleag, sf bridle-bit (HSD). 53 Mireannach or mirfhionnach, sm bit. Uist. 54 Muinghiall, -a, -an, sf head-stall of a halter or bridle. 55 Muran, sm rope of grass, plaited or woven in horse-collar. 56 Siola, -chan, sm (sf in Badenoch) pl wooden hames for plough horses. 57 Sròineall, sm musrole, nose-thong of a horse's bridle. 58 Sròin-iall, sm Alternative spelling of 57. 59 Sròin-srèine, sm musrole, nose-thong of horse's ridle. 60 Sròn-taod, s halter. 61 Suanach, sf plough-rein. 62 Sùgan, sm horse's collar. Mull & Islay. 63 Suigean, sm crupper (HSD). 64 Tarrach, sf girth of a pack-saddle. 65 Truis-bhràghad, sf band.
66 Uchdach, (CR) sf breast band to keep the saddle from slipping backwards.
The other parts are Srian, bràighde and siollachan, as above. Rigging of a ship, see long. Parts of a boat, see bàta. Tools or Implements used in trades, see under respective trades.
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