Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


a. Equal, alike, similar, the same, “ditto,” just so, all the same, in like manner, in a suitable manner. Is ionann sin is mar a thachras dhut, just so shall happen to you; is ionann sin, that is all the same; is ionann iad, they are all the same or identical; chan ionann dhaibh, they are not the same; chan ionann a fhreagras dà latha margaidh, two market days do not correspond; chan ionann a thig an còta glas do na h-uile fear, the grey coat does not become everyone equally well; ionann agus am fiaclan air chrith, even their teeth chattering; tha ionann an Donais ort, you have the appearance of the Evil One; ionann agus sinn, equal to us; ionann 's a bhith rùisgte, the same as if naked; uile ionann, all the same, quite the same.

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ionann 50
comharraich ionmhas 50