làimh (gen. làimheach in Skye), pl. -an, sf Hand. 2 Arm. 3 Handle of a tool or instrument. 4** Attempt, attack. 5* Hand, one of a crew. Làmh an uachdar, the upper hand; thug e làmh air, he attacked him, or he attempted it; cuir do làmh leinn, lend us a hand; mo làmh dhut, (lit. my hand to you) I can assure you; làmh air làimh, hand in hand; rug e air làimh oirre, he shook hands with her; a' cumail làimh rithe, paying his addresses to her, keeping her in hopes of marriage; tha e an làimh, he is in custody, or he is in a strait; fo 'làimh, under his hand, under his command; cùm air do làimh, stay your hand; aig làimh, at hand; mun làimh, in hands, indifferently; chan eil ann ach rud mun làimh, it is but an indifferent matter; ás an làimh, out of the hand, aside, off-hand; gabh os làimh, undertake, engage in, assume; tha iad ag iomairt an làmhan a chéile, they understand each other, there is a collusion between them; tha ceann mo làmhan air at, my hands are swollen; cuir làmh rithe, sign, endorse. For meanings of “an làmh ud thall,” and “an làmh seo fhéin” see p.77.
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