Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
tuiteam /tuhdʲəm/  fir. gin. -eim, iol. -an
1 (act of) falling 2 fall, tumble 3 downfall 4 lapse |
tuit /tuhdʲ/  gn. ag. -eam
1 drop, fall, tumble! 2 lapse! 3 sag! |
air thuar tuiteam  on the verge/point of falling |
buailteach a bhith a' tuiteam likely to fall, prone to falling |
cha do thàr e tuiteam nuair a… he had hardly fallen when… |
seòladh àrd is tuiteam ìseal it was a hard ride and a fast fall, a meteoric rise and an epic fall (fig.) |
tuiteam na h-oidhche nightfall |
tha an cleith-sheanchain seo a' tuiteam ás a chéile this rickety old thing is falling apart |
an ion 's a bhith a' tuiteam on the point of falling |
tha Calum air tuiteam uaithe  Calum is losing vigour/deteriorating/going downhill |
an t-uisge a' tuiteam  tears streaming |
cha bu luaithe a bha Màiri air tuiteam, … Màiri had scarcely fallen, … |
theab e tuiteam he almost fell |
theab mi tuiteam san sgoil an-diugh I almost fell in school today |
chan fhaod an coirce a bhith a' tuiteam cas mu seach the corn isn't allowed to fall crossed over itself |
air bheul tuiteam about to fall down, in danger of falling down |
tuiteam san oidhirp fail in the attempt |
tuiteam-uisge fir. gin. -eim-uisge, iol. -an-uisge
tha Calum a' tuiteam dheth Calum is wasting away |
tuiteam air ais 1 relapse 2 (act of) relapsing |
tuiteam sìos prostration |
tuiteam an duine the fall of man |
tuiteam o ghràs a fall from grace |
tuiteam ann an luach 1 (act of) depreciating 2 depreciation |
na leig leis tuiteam don't let it fall! |
Toraidhean Dwelly
tuiteam -eim, -an, sm Fall, falling, act of falling. 2 Chance. 3 Dusk, dawn. 4** Overturn. A' tuiteam...an còrr |
tuiteam 1st pers sing imper of tuit. Let me fall, (emphatic, tuiteam-sa). (2...an còrr |
tuit pr pt a' tuiteam, vn Fall. 2 Happen, befall, chance. 3 Stumble, slip. 4 Subside. 5 Sin...an còrr |
béist -e, -ean, sf A beast, monster. 2 Beast of prey. 3** Wretch. A' tuiteam an strì na béiste, ...an còrr |
theab def v Miss. Theab mi tuiteam, I missed falling. The only parts used are — Theab mi, I ...an còrr |
uileann -inn, uille, uillne & uilne, pl -an, sf Elbow. 2 Corner, angle. Uileann na beinne,...an còrr |
feud v. May, can, ought, behove. 2 Must, (in a negative sentence only). Feudaidh gach neach dol ás...an còrr |
gleòmanachd sf ind Drowsiness, sluggishness. 2 Stupidity, silliness. 3** Sluttishness. 4†† ...an còrr |
tuiteam-oidhche sm Nightfall. |