Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
ciod thuige? /kʲid hugʲə/ cst.
gu /gə ~ hugəm hugəd hɯgʲə hɯçgʲə hugɪNʲ hugɪv huxgə/  roi. (chun an, gun; thugam, thugad, thuige, thuice, thugainn, thugaibh, thuca)
1 to (a place or point in time) 2 till, until, unto 3 for |
chuir e thuige mi he annoyed me |
leig spochadh thuige snap at him! (i.e. verbally) |
gabh dàmhair thuige go for it hell for leather! (fig.) |
cuir thuige an teine kindle a fire! |
cuir thuige bàta luff a boat (up to a sea)! |
laigh thuige heave to! |
cuir glung thugam give me a bell! (i.e. call) |
cuir thuige lìon-mór prepare a long/great-line! |
coisich thuige 's uaithe walk back and forth! |
dol thuige nan tràth twilight |
chan eil mi ach thuige 's uaithe I'm only so-so/up and down |
thoir glamhadh thuige snap at her! (physically) |
buille-thuige boir. iol. -an-thuige
1 thrust 2 stubbing (e.g. of a toe) |
cuir thuige 1 provoke, bestir, prompt! 2 urge on! 3 kindle! 4 activate! |
cur thuige bathair-bhuig software activation |
chan fhada gus am bith mi a' tighinn thuige I'm getting the hang of it before too long |
tha mi a' tighinn thuige a-nis I think I'm remembering now, I seem to remember now |
tha i air a tarraing thuige she is attracted to him |
cuir thuige thu fhéin exert yourself! |
cuir thuige le ochanaich is achanaich burst into weeping and wailing! |
thuige thà! /hugʲə haː/ almost (finished)! |
a' dol thuige is uaithe staggering/reeling to and fro |
thuige seo 1 by now 2 up to now 3 so far |
Toraidhean Dwelly
thuige prep pron To him, towards him. Thàinig i thuige, (as a ship) she came to, (as anything els...an còrr |
gu prep. To, towards. Cuiridh mi litir thugad, I will send a letter to you; thuige is bhu...an còrr |
buail pr pt a' bualadh, va Strike, beat smite, thrash. 2 Thresh, as corn; beetle, a lint. 3 ...an còrr |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
glan -aine, a. Clean, pure. 2 Innocent, uncorrupted. 3 Sincere. 4 Righteous. 5 Clear, bright, radi...an còrr |
laigh pr pt a' laighe, vn Lie, lie down, recline, couch. 2 Light, perch, settle, as a bird. ...an còrr |
rach def. v Go, proceed, move, travel, walk. Active Voice: IND past ch...an còrr |
baoghal -ail, sm Peril, danger. 2 Crisis. 3 Matter of consequence from its bad effects. 4(AH) Lull in...an còrr |
chuige see thuige. Thàinig i thuige, she came to (as a ship); improved (as anything...an còrr |