Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
gu /gə ~ hugəm hugəd hɯgʲə hɯçgʲə hugɪNʲ hugɪv huxgə/  roi. (chun an, gun; thugam, thugad, thuige, thuice, thugainn, thugaibh, thuca)
1 to (a place or point in time) 2 till, until, unto 3 for |
thoir /hɔrʲ/ gn. ag. toirt
thugaibh do Chèasar na nithe ás leth Cèasar give to Caesar what is Caesar's |
Toraidhean Dwelly
thugaibh prep pron To you, towards you. |
mach adv (a-mach) Out, without. Thugaibh a-mach, take (you) out; a-mach 's a-mach, wholl...an còrr |
thoir irr v Give, grant, deliver, bestow on. 2 Take. 3 (with prep air) Persuade, compel. 4 (...an còrr |
bàbhan -ain, pl -ain & -ainean, sm Bulwark, rampart. 2 Tower. 3 Enclosure. 4 Fold where c...an còrr |
gramail -e, a. Strong, firm. 2 Muscular. 3 Vigorous, resolute. 4 Trusty. 5 Tightened, fastened, clenc...an còrr |
nasgaidh (i.e. an-asgaidh) adv phrase Freely, without price, gratis, as a pledge, deposit or gift. Fhu...an còrr |
chugaibh 2nd pers pl imp of thoir. Give (pl). see thugaibh. |
thugaibh! int Leave (pl) that! |