Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
sian /ʃiən/ fir. gin. sìne, iol. -an
1 pile of grass 2 beard (of grass) |
sian /ʃiən/ gn. ag. -ail
sian /ʃiən/ boir. gin. sìne, iol. -tan
1 violent weather 2 ( def. pl.) the elements 3 whizzing sound, squall 4 shriek |
sìon /ʃiən/ fir. iol. -tan
1 tiny particle, wee bit 2 (with neg.) nothing 3 (with pos.) anything, something 4 element |
sìde nan seachd sian terrible weather, worst of weather(s) |
uisge nan seachd sian almighty downpour, cloudburst, deluge, rainstorm |
seun /ʃiən/ gn. ag. -adh
defend/protect (by/from enchantment)! |
marcach-siana boir. gin. -aich-shiana, iol. -caichean-siana
1 spindrift (spray coming off stormy sea) 2 undulating (sheets of) rain |
dreach nan sian air a h-aodann she has a weather-beaten face |
oidhche nan seachd sian a terrible night (in terms of weather) (fig.) |
latha nan seachd sian a terrible day (in terms of weather) (fig.) |
tha a h-uile sìon ceart gu leòr an-seo everything is hunky-dory/alright here |
seun /ʃiən/ fir. gin. -a, iol. -tan
charm, magical invocation, protective spell |
air dath nan sian  weather-beaten, weathered |
sian-bhuailte bua. neo-ath.
an uair a laigheas a' ghaoth, 's maol gach sian  no weather is ill if the wind be still (fig.) |
sian-bhuailteach bua. coi. -tiche
exposed to (violent) weather |
sian-steud boir. gin. -a, iol. -an
lasaich an t-sian the (violent) weather eased |
sian gréine sun(shine) and rain (at the same time) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
sian -ìne, pl. siantan, siantaidh & siantaidhean, sf Any storm, as wind, snow or rain. ...an còrr |
sian -ìne, -tan, sm Shriek, scream, roar. 2* Squeal. 3** Voice. 4(AC) Soft, sorrowful music...an còrr |
sian pr pt a' sianail, vn Scream, cry, shriek. 2* Squeal. 3 Yell, bellow. 4 Scream tediousl...an còrr |
sian -ìne, -an, sm Pile of grass. 2 Beard of barley. |
sian -a, -tan, see seun. |
sian va see seun. |
sian sm ind see sion. |
caoin -e, a Kind, mild, pleasant, gentle, tender. 2 Delightful. 3 Dry, seasoned, as hay, sheaf-corn...an còrr |
Màrt -àirt, sm Month of March. 2 Tuesday. 3 Time suitable for agricultural work. 4* Busiest time a...an còrr |
talla -chan, sm Hall. 2** How. 3** Court. 4** Rock. 5** Cleft of a rock. 6** Tower. Talla nan sian,...an còrr |
tlàth -àithe, a Mild, kind, tender, indulgent, merciful, meek. 2 Tranquil, gentle. 3 Mellow, sweet,...an còrr |
cathadh-sian (AC) sm Visible storm of rain, white sheet of rain. |
sgoil nan sian sf Meteorology. |
sian-steud ** sm Driving blast. A' casgadh sian-steuda nan speur, calming the driving b...an còrr |
sian-bhuailte pt pt Weather-beaten. |
sian-bhuailteach ** a. Exposed to the weather. |
sian-bhualadh ** -aidh, sm Beating of wind or weather. |
carraid -e, sf Conflict, strife, riot. 2 Distress, trouble, grief. 3* Fatigue and anguish from watchi...an còrr |
sianail -e, sf Screaming, crying, shrieking, squealing, yelling. 2 Act of squealing or yelling. 3* Dr...an còrr |
siant (poetical) npl of sian. |
siantaidh npl of sian. |
siantan pl. of sian. |
sìn -e, siantan, sf see sian. |
sìne gen of sian & sion. 2 gen of sitheann. |
sìne sf Blast, stormy weather, see sian. |