Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
bàta-carago fir. iol. -ichean-carago
bàta-cruidh fir. iol. -ichean-cruidh
cattle ship, livestock carrier |
tha siùil ris an long the ship is under sail |
long-chogaidh boir. gin. luinge-cogaidh, iol. -an-cogaidh
bàta-cogaidh fir. iol. -ichean-cogaidh
darach /darəx/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -aich
1 oak (genus quercus) 2 oak (various members of the Australian casuarina) 3 (in adj. usage) oaken, made of oak 4 ship ( poetic) |
bòrd-fuaraidh (bòrd an fhuaraidh) fir. gin. ⁊ iol. bùird-fhuaraidh
long-fhànais boir. gin. luinge-fànais, iol. -an-fànais
long fo aodach a ship under sail |
seann-strìopach de bhàta rustbucket, coffin ship (fig.) |
cuir àird air get it (into) shipshape, put it in good order! |
riadh long charter a ship! |
chan fheàrr an gèadh na a shailleadh a ship is no better than its crew (fig.) |
bàta-teasairginn fir. iol. -ichean-teasairginn
long /Lɔuŋg/ boir. gin. luinge, iol. -an
bàta-smùide (bàta na smùide, B-S.) fir. iol. -ichean-smùide
soitheach /sɤ.əx/ fir. gin. -thich, iol. -thichean
1 container, vessel 2 pitcher 3 dish 4 ship, vessel 5 (in pl.) cruets |
gaiseadh na làimhne agus mùthadh a' chorrain false economy, spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar (fig.) |
's mi gun darach and I without a ship (poetic) |
neach-bhàtaichean fir. iol. luchd-bhàtaichean
's olc an comharra air a' chreig na h-eòin a bhith a' falbh aiste /sɔLxg əŋ kohəRə ɛrʲ ə xrʲegʲ nə hjɔːNʲ ə vi faLav aʃdʲə/ the rats leaving the sinking ship is a bad sign (fig.) |
bàta-marsantachd fir. iol. -ichean-marsantachd
sgib /sgʲib/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
tìodhlacadh-luinge fir. gin. -aidh-luinge, iol. -aidhean-luinge
tòrradh-luinge fir. gin. -aidh-luinge, iol. -aidhean-luinge
Toraidhean Dwelly
abhsadh -aidh, -ean, sm Down-haul or slackening of a sail. 2 Jerk. 3 The whole canvas of a boat or sh...an còrr |
acainn -e, -ean, sf Apparatus, implements, utensils, tackle, tools, appendages of any kind. 2 Salve,...an còrr |
caladh -aidh, -aichean [calaidh & calachan] sm Harbour, port, haven, road for ships. 2 Shore. 3 ...an còrr |
calpa pl. -an [& -annan] sm Calf of the leg. 2 Pillar. 3 Tier or ply of a rope or cable....an còrr |
àitich pr pt ag àiteachadh, va & n Inhabit, dwell, settle. 2 Cultivate, till, improve. 3*...an còrr |
aon aoin, a One. 2 Alone. 3 Same. 4 Only. 5 Ace. [Aspirates noun following except one beginning w...an còrr |
deireadh -ridh, -ridhean, sm End, conclusion. 2 The end, rear, hindmost part of anything. 3 Stern of a...an còrr |
eadar prep. [Governs a substantive in the nominative. Combined with the personal pronouns thus:...an còrr |
astar -air, -an, sm Journey. 2 Space, Distance. 3 Way, path. Astar mór, a great distance; as...an còrr |
crannag -aig, -an, sf Pulpit. 2 Round top of a Mast. 3 Cross-trees of a ship. 4 Hamper. 5 Fillet used...an còrr |
dìonach -aiche, a Close-joined, airtight, watertight, waterproof. 2 Safe, secure. 3 Reserved, 4 Shelt...an còrr |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
bathar -air, sm Wares, goods, merchandise. 2** Bale. 3** see bàrr. 4(CR) Whisky - Arran. 5(DC...an còrr |
beart beairt, pl beairt [& bearta] sf Machine, engine. 2 Loom, frame. 3 Deed, work, expl...an còrr |
fiar pr pt a' fiaradh, va & n. Bend, twist, make crooked. 2 Pervert. 3 Go astray or asi...an còrr |
bheir fut aff of tabhair or thoir. Có a bheir còmhrag? who will give battle? b...an còrr |
druim sm irreg. Declined thus:—...an còrr |
bòrd bùird, sm Table. 2 Plank, board, deal. 3 Board (directors or managers of company &c). 4 B...an còrr |
crann-tarrang gen -tàirnge, pl. -tàirnean, sf Wooden pin or bolt fastening the couples or joi...an còrr |
gabh pr pt a' gabhail, va & n. Some idiomatic connections of gabh grouped under ...an còrr |
tulg va & n Rock, toss, roll, oscillate, wave, fluctuate, jostle, swing, jolt, push. 2 Make a ...an còrr |
ceàrn -a, -an, sf Corner, quarter, region. 2 Kitchen. 3‡‡ Man. †4‡‡ Victory. 5‡‡ Expense. 6‡‡ Hold ...an còrr |
thuige prep pron To him, towards him. Thàinig i thuige, (as a ship) she came to, (as anything els...an còrr |
clàr -àir, pl. clàir and clàran, sm Any smooth surface or plane. 2 Stave, in music. ...an còrr |
brèagh -a, a. Fine. 2 Well-dressed. 3 Splendid. 4 Good-looking. 5 Pretty. 6 Beautiful. 7 Surprising....an còrr |