Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
sgailc /sgalçgʲ/  boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 blow, knock, skelp, cuff 2 crack (sound) 3 buffet (movement) 4 large one, generous measure (of alcohol), stiff drink |
sgailc /sgalçgʲ/  gn. ag. -eadh
1 pelt! 2 buffet! 3 blast off! (e.g. paint) |
sgailc /sgalçgʲ/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 bald pate/head 2 baldness |
gunna-sgailc fir. iol. -ichean-sgailc
sgailc gunna trigger (of a gun) |
sgailc-mhullaich boir. gin. -e-mullaich
feuch sgailc air Calum whack Calum, give Calum a blow! |
dèan sin is bheir mi dhut sgailc! do that and I'll slap you! |
thoir sgailc do bhalach slap a boy! |
thoir sgailc do Chalum mun pheirceall hit Calum on the jaw! |
sgailc crith-thalmhainn shock of an earthquake |
cuir an cinn ann an sgailc a chéile bang their heads together! |
sgailc-nid boir. gin. -e-nid, iol. -ean-nid
morning bumper, first/bed/nest dram (first of the four traditional drams of the morning, taken while in bed) |
sgailc-creige boir. gin. -e-creige, iol. -ean-creige
sgailc le gainmheach sandblast! |
Toraidhean Dwelly
sgailc -e, -ean, sf Smart knock or blow. 2 Sound of a blow, report of a shot. 3 Good full dra...an còrr |
sgailc * va Pelt. 2 Beat in a masterly manner. |
bas boise [& baise] -an & -a, sf The palm of the hand. Buailibh bhur basan uile, a shluai...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
friochd -an, sm Second dram, nip, half-glassful, after a “sgailc” or morning bumper. [It was usual fo...an còrr |
gunna-barraich see gunna-sgailc. |
gunna-sgailc sm Pop-gun, air-gun. |
sgailceag -eig, -an, sf dim of sgailc. Slight knock. 2 Low sudden sound 3 Small bumper or draugh...an còrr |
sgailc-mhullaich * sf Dandruff. |
sgailc-sheide sf Dram taken in bed before rising in the morning — Sàr-Obair. |
sgalcairneach -eich, sm see sgailc. |