Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
sgùr /sguːr/ gn. ag. -adh
1 scrub, scour! 2 burnish! 3 purge, purify! |
sgur /sgur/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. sguir
1 (act of) stopping, ceasing, desisting 2 stoppage, cessation 3 lot, plot of land |
sguir /sgurʲ/ gn. ag. sgur
b' fheàrr gun tòiseachadh na sgur gun chrìochnachadh  don't start the job unless you intend finishing it |
sgur arbhair a plot of (agricultural) land |
thàr an Aoine 'na beul e 's cha dual dha sgur he just can't keep a secret (fig.) |
sgùr le gual e scrub it with char! |
sgùr-ghlanadh fir. gin. -aidh, iol. -aidhean
1 (act of) purging 2 purification |
a bheil guth aig a' ghaoith sgur?  does the wind show any signs of abating? |
can ris sgur dheth! tell him to stop it! |
cha robh guth aig a' ghaoth sgur the wind showed no signs of abating |
feumaidh an cur a-steach seo sgur! this heckling will have to stop! |
làn-sgur mìos-dhòrtaidh menopause |
nuair as fheàrr a' chluich, as fheàrr sgur stop whilst the going is good |
sguir de stop, quit, discontinue, leave off (doing something)! |
chan eil sgiol sgur aige he doesn't have the sense to stop |
trod gun sgur endless quarrelling, an endless quarrel |
tha a meig a' dol gun sgur she never shuts up (fig.) |
's fheàrr sgur na sgàineadh enough is plenty (fig.) |
gun sgur without stop, unceasing, ceaselessly, continually |
Toraidhean Dwelly
sgur sm Desisting, ceasing, leaving off, giving over, cessation, stopping. 2** Termination, conclu...an còrr |
sgùr pr pt a' sgùradh, va Scour, wash, clean, rub up, purge. 2 Purify. 3 Burnish. A' sgùrad...an còrr |
bu past ind of defec. v is. Was, wert, were. Bu mhi, I was; b' e (for bu e)...an còrr |
cha negative particle, Not. [Cha aspirates the fut. neg of a verb, also the initial...an còrr |
dèan v. irreg. Do, make, act, work, perform. 2* Suppose, imagine, think. Conjugated thus - ...an còrr |
sguir pr pt a' sgur & a' sgurachd, va & n. Stop, cease, leave off, terminate, desist...an còrr |
tàmh -àimh, sm Rest, quiet, ease, quietness. 2 Delay. 3 Sleep. 4 Dwelling, abode, act or state of ...an còrr |
mar conj. As, even as, like, like as, in the same manner, in this or that manner. Mar tha, alr...an còrr |
annsa ** a Dear, attached, beloved. 2 Desirable, acceptable, 3 Glad. B' annsa leotha sgur, they ...an còrr |
ceann-sgur -a, cinn-sgur, sm Period, full stop in gram. 2†† End. |
sgiùr va Scour, purge, cleanse, see sgùr. |
sgurachd sf & pr pt of sguir. see sgur. |
sgurachdainn * see sgur. |
sgùradh -aidh, sm Cleaning, act of cleansing, scouring, burnishing, purging, purifying. A' sgùradh, ...an còrr |
sgur-éild ** see sgòr-éild. |