Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
seòl /ʃɔːL/  gn. ag. -adh
1 navigate, sail! 2 direct, guide! 3 govern, regulate! |
seòl /ʃɔːL ~ ʃuːl/  fir. gin. ⁊ iol. siùil
sàil /saːl/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 heel 2 boot, trunk (of a car) |
sail /sal/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
sail /sal/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 the letter S, ᚛ᚄ᚜ in Ogham 2 ( archaic) willow (salix) |
aodach /ɯːdəx/  fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -aich
1 attire, clothes, clothing, raiment, vestment 2 cloth, fabric 3 apparel 4 sails |
sàl /saːL/ fir. gin. sàile
sgòd /sgɔːd/ fir. gin. sgòid, iol. -an
1 corner of a cloth 2 clew (lower aft corner of a sail) 3 sheet (rope of sail) 4 piece of torn off cloth, rag |
sàil-bhrollaich boir. gin. -e-brollaich, iol. -ean-brollaich
is léir dhut an smùirnean ann an sùil do charaid 's chan fhaic thu an t-sail 'nad shùil fhéin you see the speck in your friend's eye when you yourself do not see the log in your own eye |
taom an t-siùil the luff of the sail |
earball-sàile fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -aill-shàile
blade/frond of badderlocks (alaria esculenta) |
tha siùil ris an long the ship is under sail |
fo sgòd under sail |
fo làn-siùil under full sail |
falbh ron a' ghaoth sail before the wind! |
paisg seòl fold/furl a sail! |
for-iadh gn. ag. -adh
sail within sight of land! |
sail-bhuinn boir. gin. -e-buinn, iol. -ean-buinn
sole tree, sprattle beam (of a mill) |
cop sàil sea/ocean/beach foam, spume |
dèan seòladh air Hiort set sail for St Kilda! |
a' beagadh nan seòl lessening/shortening sail |
cìoch-shàil boir. gin. cìche-sàil, iol. -an-sàil
sea anemone (actiniaria order) |
gaoth fo sheòl is sròin coin, dà rud cho fuar 's a tha ann /gɯː fɔ hjɔːL ə sdrɔːN kɔNʲ daː rud xɔ fuər sə hãũN/ wind under sail and a dog's snout, two of the coldest things there are |
seòl-meadhanach fir. gin. ⁊ iol. siùil-mheadhanaich
Toraidhean Dwelly
sail -e, -ean & sailthean, sf Beam, joist, log of wood. Crùth sailthean, beams with engrave...an còrr |
sàil -e, ** sàl & sàlach, pl. -ean & -ltean, sf Heel. Sàil beinne, the fo...an còrr |
seòl siùil, siùil, sm Sail. 2** Ship. Bràigh-sheòl, a topsail; chunnaic sinn ...an còrr |
seòl pr pt a' seòladh, va Sail. 2 Navigate, guide a vessel. 3 Float. 4. Direct, guide, cond...an còrr |
sail see taileadh. |
sàil † sf Guard, custody. |
sàil va Provide with heels, as shoes. |
sail † va Salute. |
sail † -e, -ean, sf Willow tree (salix). 2 The letter s. |
sail * sm ind see sàl. |
sàl gen sàil & sàile, sm The sea. 2 Sea- or salt water. A' leum thar an t-sàl, boun...an còrr |
bochd -a, a. Poor. 2 Needy. 3 Wretched. 4 Sick, sickly. 5 Sail. 3 Lean, lank. 7 Dear. Nì làmh na le...an còrr |
prìomh-sheòl -shiùil, sm Main-sail. Thog iad am prìomh-sheòl, they hoisted the main-sail....an còrr |
bonn -uinn, pl. -uinn & bonnan, sm Heel. 2 Sole. 3 Foundation, found of house. 4 Pedest...an còrr |
brèagh -a, a. Fine. 2 Well-dressed. 3 Splendid. 4 Good-looking. 5 Pretty. 6 Beautiful. 7 Surprising....an còrr |
bréid -e, -ean, sm Kerchief, napkin. 2 Sail. 3 Patch, piece of cloth of any kind. 4 Woman's head-dr...an còrr |
riof pl. -a, -annan & -achan, sm Reef of a sail. 2‡‡ Sunken rock. |
cùm pr pt a' cumail, va Keep, hold, withhold, retain. 2 Restrain. 3 Observe, celebrate, as...an còrr |
dealbh a [& deilbh,] -an, sm Image. 2 Statue. 3 Picture, delineation. 4 Photograph. 5 Appearance...an còrr |
dubhan -ain, sm Hook, fishing-hook. 2 Hooked claw, as of cats. 3* Clutch. 4** Snare. 5** Kidney. 6**...an còrr |
falach-cuain sm Marooning. 2 Outdistancing. When one boat under sail outdistances another so as to lose si...an còrr |
fiodh -a, sm Timber, wood. 2 Wilderness. 3** Tree. An t-sail ás an fhiodh, the log out of the ti...an còrr |
abhsadh -aidh, -ean, sm Down-haul or slackening of a sail. 2 Jerk. 3 The whole canvas of a boat or sh...an còrr |
iùbhrach -aich, sf Yew-grove, group of yews. 2 Stately woman. 3** Active female. 4** Female archer. 5 ...an còrr |
leig pr pt a' leigeil & a' leigeadh, va & n. Permit, allow. 2 Slip, as dogs to the ...an còrr |