Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
ruaidhe /Ruəjə/ boir. neo-ath.
1 redness, reddishness 2 erysipelas, holy fire, St Anthony's fire |
ruadh /Ruəɣ/  bua. coi. ruaidhe
(browny) red, rust-coloured, ginger, russet (used for natural fibres e.g. hair, wool...) |
poit-ruadh boir. gin. -e-ruaidhe, iol. -ean-ruadha
Am Muir Ruadh  ainm-àite fir. gin. na Mara Ruaidhe
speireag-ruadh boir. gin. -eige-ruaidhe, iol. -an-ruadha
sparrowhawk (accipiter nisus) |
bàn-ruadh bua. coi. -ruaidhe
muc-ruadh boir. gin. muice-ruaidhe, iol. -an-ruadha
ballan wrasse (labrus bergylta) |
dearg-ruadh bua. coi. -ruaidhe
bright red (hair, wool etc) |
buidhe-ruadh bua. coi. -ruaidhe
fadag-ruadh boir. gin. -aige-ruaidhe, iol. -an-ruadha
weather-gall, water-gall, dog-tooth (stump of a rainbow above the horizon, supposedly foretells stormy weather) |
tunnag-ruadh boir. gin. -aige-ruaidhe, iol. -an-ruadha
mallard, wild duck (anas platyrhynchos) |
donn-ruadh bua. coi. -ruaidhe
cudaig-ruadh boir. gin. -e-ruaidhe, iol. -ean-ruadha
red cuddy (1 year old pollock/coalfish/coley/saithe; pollachius virens) |
learga-ruadh boir. gin. -ruaidhe, iol. -an-ruadha
red-throated diver/loon (gavia stellata) |
feòrag-ruadh boir. gin. -aige-ruaidhe, iol. -an-ruadha
(Eurasian) red squirrel (sciurus vulgaris) |
dearc-ruadh boir. iol. -an-ruadha
common/northern/bog/swamp cranberry (vaccinium oxycoccos) |
easag-ruadh boir. gin. -aige-ruaidhe, iol. -an-ruadh
(Eurasian) red squirrel (sciurus vulgaris) |
cuiseag-ruadh boir. gin. -eige-ruaidhe, iol. -an-ruadha
red flower and seed stem of docks and sorrels |
barrag-ruadh  boir. gin. -aige-ruaidhe, iol. -an-ruadha
yellow horned-poppy (glaucium flavum) |
corra-ruadh boir. gin. -ruaidhe, iol. -n-ruadha
common/Eurasian crane (grus grus) |
A' Mhòinteach Ruadh  ainm-àite boir. gin. na Mòintich Ruaidhe
eòlas na ruaidhe charm against erysipelas |
féist-ruadh boir. gin. -e-ruaidhe
(creeping) red fescue (festuca rubra) |
Sgùrr na Ruaidhe ainm-àite
Sgurr na Ruaidhe (Highld) |
dubh-ruadh bua. coi. -ruaidhe
dark (browny) red (used for natural fibres e.g. hair, wool...) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
ruaidhe sf ind Redness, ruddiness. 2 Defect in fir timber. 3 Erysipelas, St Anthony's fire [wi...an còrr |
ruaidhe comp of ruadh. |
curaidh -nean, & -dhean, sm Champion, hero, warrior. 2** Giant. Curaidhnean na Craoibhe Ruaidhe, ...an còrr |
beilbhean-ruadh -ein-ruaidhe, sm Frog. 2 see bealbhan-ruadh. |
dealt-ruaidhe || sf Round-leaved sundew, see ròs an t-solais. |
dubh-ruadh -ruaidhe, a Dark red, *auburn. |
fo-ruadh -ruaidhe, a. Reddish, of a bastard red, reddish-brown. |
leac-ruaidhe s. The rose (disease) when it is hard and flat. |
leth-ruadh -ruaidhe, a. Somewhat red. reddish, brown. |
Ridir na h-Iolaire Ruaidhe sm Knight of the Red Eagle — a Prussian order. |