Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
àinean pl of adha or ae. Os cionn nan àinean, above the livers. |
baisteadh -idh, sm Baptism, act of baptizing 'Ga bhaisteadh, baptizing him; tha e air a bhaistea...an còrr |
bun pl. buin & bunan, sm Root, stock, stump. 2 Bottom, base, foundation, foot. 3 Socke...an còrr |
comharradh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Mark, impression, token, sign. 2 The sexual mark. 3 Banner. 4** Print. 5*...an còrr |
cothachadh -aidh, sm Earning, support. 2 Dispute, contention. 3 Competition. 4 Obstinacy, pertinacity. 5...an còrr |
cruachann -ainn, -uaichnean, sf The haunch, thigh, hip. Os cionn na cruchainn, above the hip; th...an còrr |
lùth -a [& lùith] sm Strength, power, vigour, activity 2** Power of motion. 3* Joint. 4** Pith...an còrr |
spàg -àig, -an, sf Claw. 2 Paw. 3 Clubfoot. 4 Limb of an animal. 5** Foot of a cloven- foot...an còrr |
uasal uaisle, a Noble, gentle, well-born. 2 Genteel, polite. 3 Proud. 4 Elegant, fine. 5 Precious, ...an còrr |
sanais (DC) sf Uist for sanas, sm Thig an t-sanais os cionn bùird, the whisper gets above ...an còrr |
uisge-ruithe sm Running water, stream. Os cionn nan uisge-ruithe, above the running waters. |
ainealadh pr pt A variation of anaileadh. Breathing. Gaoth tuath cho cruaidh ri slait ag ainealadh os c...an còrr |
os ceann see os cionn. |