Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
mu /mə ~ uməm uməd imə ɯimbə umɪNʲ umɪv uːmbə/  roi. (mun; umam, umad, uime, uimpe, umainn, umaibh, ùmpa)
1 about, concerned with, concerning, of 2 about, approximately |
mu dhéidhinn /mə ʝeː.ɪNʲ/ roi. gin.
about, concerning (requires the genitive case) |
mu thuaiream roi. gin.
approximately, (round)about, circa |
mu dheireadh /mə ʝerʲəɣ/ co-ghn.
1 last, ultimate 2 at last |
mu thràth /mə hraː/ co-ghn.
mu thuairmse 2009 around the year 2009 |
cuairt mu dheireadh 1 last round 2 final rounding (in mathematics) |
tha e leth mu leth six of one and half a dozen of the other (fig.) |
mu dhà mhìle a dh'astar /mə ɣaː viːlə ə ɣasdər/ about two miles' distance/away |
air a' cheann mu dheireadh  in the end |
tha uirsgeul mór mu an déidhinn there are many tales/stories about them |
is coma leis an t-sìoda có an tòn mu am bi e the sun doesn't care on whom it shines (fig.) |
mu dheireadh thall at long last, finally, eventually |
fear mu seach one at a time |
mu làimh 1 so-so, nothing spectacular 2 indifferent |
mu seach /mə ʃɛx/ co-ghn.
1 one by one, alternately 2 alternatively, in turn |
rach mu thuath go north! |
rach mu dheas go south! |
car mu chnoc 1 short walk/hike, stroll 2 hide and seek |
tha Calum ag àrd mu dhéidhinn Calum is boasting about it |
mun cuairt /məŋˈguəRʃdʲ/ roi. gin.
1 about, around 2 about, concerning (dialects south of Tiree) |
thoir car mu chnoc do Chalum give Calum the slip, dodge Calum! |
sgrog bonaid mu do cheann (carelessly) slap a bonnet on your head! |
tha an obair mu na buillean the job is almost done, nearly finished with the job (fig.) |
rach mu thàmh go to rest! |
Toraidhean Dwelly
mu prep. About, around. 2 Of. concerning. 3 On account of, for. Mun cuairt, about, round abou...an còrr |
mu conj. see mun. |
mù for motha, comp of mór. |
mu seach adv Alternately, by turns. 2 Laid by. 3** In return. 4** To and fro. Uair mu seach, time a...an còrr |
cas mu seach adv Heads and thraws. |
air neo adv Else, otherwise. Air neo an t-sleagh mu bheil do làmh, otherwise the spear your hand g...an còrr |
bann bainne [& boinne] pl bannan, banntan [& boinn,] (dat pl bannaibh & -taibh,...an còrr |
mu dheireadh thall adv After all. |
mun cuairt prep. Around, about. Mun cuairt dhomh, about me, around me; mu mo...an còrr |
mu sgaoil adv Abroad, at large. Chaidh a leigeil mu sgaoil, he was set free. |
mu thimcheall prep. About, around, concerning. Mu mo thimcheall, about me; mu do thimcheall, ...an còrr |
carraig -e [& cairge,] -ean, sf Rock, cliff. 2 Pinnacle. 3 Rock jutting into the sea, serving as ...an còrr |
cas pr pt a' casadh, va Gape. 2 Gnash. 3 Turn against. 4 Be angry with. 5 Oppose, thwart. ...an còrr |
ceann cinn, sm Head. 2 Point. 3 Hilt. 4 Top. 5 End. 6 Chief, commander. 7 Headland, promontory. 8 E...an còrr |
mu thuaiream prep. About (in estimate). Mu thuaiream fichead latha, about twenty days; dh'fh...an còrr |
na pron. fulfilling the function of an antecedent and relative in English (= an do, contracted)....an còrr |
céile sm & f Spouse. 2 Husband. 3 Wife. 4 Equal, match. 5 Servant. Athair céile, a father-in...an còrr |
preas pris, pl. -an & pris, sm Bush, shrub. 2 Thicket. 3 Brier. 4 Gaelic spelling of ...an còrr |
cliabh -éibh, sm The chest, the breast. 2 Kind of basket or hamper used in the Highlands for carryin...an còrr |
rach def. v Go, proceed, move, travel, walk. Active Voice: IND past ch...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
reamhar -mhra, a. Fat, plump, fleshy. 2 Fat, greasy, oily. 3 Big, great. 4 Thick, gross, of great cir...an còrr |
corran -ain, sm Reaping-hook, sickle. 2 Point of land running far into the sea. 3 Point of a weapon....an còrr |
craobh vn Branch out, sprout, bud, shoot forth, gush out. 2 Propagate. A fhuil a' craobhadh mu thala...an còrr |
crìoch -ìche, -an [&-a,] sf End, limit. 2 Boundary, frontier, landmark, march, border. 3 Conclus...an còrr |