Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
móran -ain, sm coll. Great number, multitude, many. 2 Much, great quantity. Tha móran aca ag ràdh, ...an còrr |
móran adv By a great deal. Móran nas fhaisge, a great deal nearer. |
moran § -ain, sm Meadow saxifrage, fair maids of France, first of May (saxifraga granulata)....an còrr |
aca or ac', prep pron (aig + iad) Of them, on their side, with them, at them, on them, in ...an còrr |
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
bruidheann gen sing, -inn & bruidhne, sf Talk, speech, conversation. 2 Quarrel. 3 Report. 4...an còrr |
cleachd pr part a' cleachdadh, va & n. Accustom, habituate, inure. 2 Practise, use. ...an còrr |
cràdh -aidh, sm Pain, anguish, torment, pang. Cùis mo chràidh, the cause of my anguish; móra...an còrr |
daoine pl. of duine. Móran dhaoine, many people. |
dìcheall -ill, sm Diligence. 2 Attempt, endeavour. 3 Utmost endeavour. 4** Perseverance. 5* Forlorn ef...an còrr |
dìth -e, sm Want, defect. 2 Failure, deficiency. 3 Destruction. Dìth céille, want of sense; ...an còrr |
duilgheadas sm Sorrow, difficulty. Cha chuir sin móran duilgheadais roimhe, that will not cause...an còrr |
gu conj. That, to the end that. Used to signify a wish or idea, and implies that a sentence whic...an còrr |
ionmhas -ais, -an, sm Treasure, wealth, riches. Móran ionmhais or ionmhas mór, much treasur...an còrr |
is pres. ind v def. & irreg. Thus conjugated: IND pres is mi, I am; ...an còrr |
lot pr pt a' lot & a' lotadh, va Wound, pierce, hurt, stab, bruise. 2 Disease. 3 Take ...an còrr |
lugha comp of beag. Less, least. 2 More or most disagreeable. 3(DC) Used as the positive degree in ...an còrr |
oirre prep pron On her, upon her. 2 Owed by her. 3 Matter with her. 4 Over her. Dé a tha oirre? ...an còrr |
ri prep. To, implying similarity or likeness. 2 To, denoting equality of one object with another...an còrr |
saothair gen -thrach [saoithreach, **] -thraichean, sf Labour, toil, work. 2 Travail, pains of ...an còrr |
soirbheas -eis, sm Prosperity, success. 2 Gentleness, docility. 3 Fair wind on the sea — Skye. 4...an còrr |
tarbh -airbh, sm Bull. 2 The sign Taurus (♉) in the zodiac. An tarbh, a surfeit; móran tharb...an còrr |
teachdaireachd sf ind Message, embassy, legation. 2 Tidings, news, intelligence. 3 Commission, errand, deput...an còrr |
thairis adv Over, across, abroad. 2* Beyond, exceeding the bounds. 3 Remaining, as a surplus. 4 Athwa...an còrr |
math pl. -a, a. 1st comp feàrr or feabha, 2...an còrr |