Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
mór /moːr/  bua. coi. motha
1 big, great, large, grand, strapping 2 ample, bulky 3 high, lofty, tall 4 spacious 5 large amount 5 senior (sr., follows first name) |
Mór /moːr/  ainm pears. boir. gin. Móir
mór /moːr/ fir. gin. móir, iol. -a
1 famous person 2 powerful person |
mór- bua. neo-ath.
great, extreme, high (precedes and lenites the noun) |
tìr-mór /tʲirʲˈmoːr/  fir. gin. tìr-mhóir, iol. -ean-móra
mór-thìr /moːrhɪrʲ/  boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
mór ás fhéin conceited |
féileadh-mór /feːləɣˈmoːr/ fir. gin. -lidh-mhóir, iol. -lidhean-móra
(great) kilt (i.e. attire from neck to knees) |
mórchuiseach /moːrxuʃəx/  bua. coi. -siche
pompous, strutting, full of oneself, lofty, pompous |
doras-mór /dɔrəsˈmoːr/ fir. gin. -ais-mhóir, iol. dorsan-móra
front door, main entrance |
mór-chuid /moːrxudʲ/ boir. iol. -ean
A' Chiad Chogadh Mór The First World War, WWI |
mór-rathad fir. gin. -aid, iol. -an
motorway, highway, expressway |
ceòl-mór /kʲɔLˈmoːr/ fir. gin. ciùil-mhóir
béist de dhuine mór fiadhaich  a great brute of a wild man |
claidheamh-mór fir. gin. -eimh-mhóir, iol. -an-móra
gallan-mór fir. gin. -ain-mhóir, iol. -an-móra
(common) butterbur, pestilence wort (petasites hybridus) |
Fuaigh Mór ainm-àite fir.
lus nam meall móra wild/common mallow (malva sylvestris) |
tha i a' cur gu feum tòrr mór a bharrachd dealain na bha esan she was using a lot more electricity than HIM |
an ladhar mór the big toe |
An Dannsa Mór The Big Dance (dance) |
mormhaich /mɔrɔ.ɪç/ boir. iol. -ean
sea plain (land liable to sea-flooding) |
mór-thoilichte bua. neo-ath.
Gleann Mór Bharbhais ainm-àite
Gleann Mor Bharabhais (W Isls) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
mór 1st comp motha, 2nd comp mothaid, ...an còrr |
mòr see mór. Mòr is the spelling adopted by all Gaelic grammars and dictionaries except MacBain's and Ma...an còrr |
mór adv Much, many. Is mór leam, I think it too much; is mór leam sin a dhèanamh, ...an còrr |
mór-thir -e, -ean, sf The mainland. 2 Continent. 3** Great shore. Mar neart tuinne gu mór-thir, lik...an còrr |
mór -a, sm poet. Renowned, famous or mighty person. 2 Chivalrous person. Có tha col...an còrr |
achd pl -anna, sm Act, statute, decree. 2 Deed. 3 Case. 4 Account. 5 State, condition. 6 Ma...an còrr |
aig prep At, near, close by. 2 In possession. 3 On account of. 4 For. 5 On. Is mór agam sin, I...an còrr |
seòl siùil, siùil, sm Sail. 2** Ship. Bràigh-sheòl, a topsail; chunnaic sinn ...an còrr |
ge conj. see ged. Ge is always used before an adjective or personal pronoun, as, ge mór i...an còrr |
géill pr pt a' géilleachdainn, a' géilleadh, & a' géilltinn, vn Yield, submit, cede. 2 S...an còrr |
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
amharas -ais, sm Suspicion, doubt, distrust. 2 Jealousy. Is mór m' amharas, I very much suspect;...an còrr |
giuthas -ais, sm The Scots fir — pinus sylvestris. Giuthas nam mór-shliabh, the firs of the...an còrr |
adhbhar -air, -airean, sm Cause, reason. 2 Subject, matter. Adhbhar bròin, a cause of grief; c...an còrr |
ás prep pron (ás + e) Out of him or it. 2 From him or it. [Emphatic - ássan, ás fh...an còrr |
astar -air, -an, sm Journey. 2 Space, Distance. 3 Way, path. Astar mór, a great distance; as...an còrr |
atharrachadh -aidh, sm Change, alteration. 2 Removal, flitting. 3 Version. 4 Another. Ag atharrachadh, ...an còrr |
bàidh -e, sf Kindness, benignity, humanity, mercy. 2 Hospitality. 3 Affection, love, attachment, fo...an còrr |
baile mór pl bailtean móra, sm City, large town. 2 Metropolis. |
glaodh pr pt a' glaodhadh & a' glaodhadh, va Cry, shout. 2 Proclaim, as marriage-banns, o...an còrr |
bàrluath sm Portion of pipe-music in “ceòl mór” which precedes the taorluath. It do...an còrr |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
bàthadh -aidh, sm Drowning. 2 Quenching, slaking. 3 Smothering. 4‡‡ Faint, swoon. A' bà...an còrr |
beachd -a, -an, sm Notice, attention, observation, perception. 2 Feeling. 3 Ambition. 4 Idea, concep...an còrr |
beachdaich pr pt a' beachdachadh, vn Observe, perceive. 2 Attend to. 3 Mark. 4 Consider, meditate...an còrr |