Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
A: slàn leat! B: slàn agad! A: goodbye! B: goodbye! |
duine leam-leat fickle/deceitful/capricious person, a flip-flopper |
an rud nach binn leat, cha chluinn thu you only hear what you want to hear, to have selective hearing (fig.) |
gura math a théid leat! good luck! |
b' àill leat? pardon? sorry, I didn't understand you? |
beannachd leat! goodbye! |
leigidh mi leat 1 I'll leave you in peace/alone/be 2 response to buaileam ort |
oidhche mhath leat good night to you! |
lad /Lad/ fir. gin. laid, iol. -an
1 leat/lade, millstream 2 current of talk |
taigh na galla leat! piss/fuck off! (fig.) |
mas cuimhne leat if you remember/recollect |
thoir leat e! take it! |
coma leat! 1 don't worry, never mind! 2 don't bother! |
coimhead mar is àill leat look wherever you please! |
lig /Lʲigʲ/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
thoir do chasan leat 1 take off, run away! 2 off you go! 3 get lost! (fig.) |
thoir leat bonnach take a bannock! |
an teanga leam 's an teanga leat such a fickle person, such a flip-flopper! (fig.) |
nach iongantach leat? aren't you surprised? what a surprise! |
thoir sgiuch leat take a fair amount! |
latha math leat! good day! (on parting) |
soraidh leat! farewell (to you)! |
slàn leat an-dràsta goodbye for now |
coma leat dheth 1 never mind him 2 don't bother with it |
leigeam leat! I'll let you! (response to buaileam ort) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
leat prep pron With you (sing). 2 By you. 3 To you. 4 Along with you. 5 In your opinion or estimat...an còrr |
a dh'fhios prep To the knowledge of. 2(MH) Towards. 3(CR) In case. Thoir leat e a dh'fhios am bi feum ai...an còrr |
agus conj And. 2 as. Thusa agus mise, you and I; tha e cheart cho math agus a bha e, it ...an còrr |
àill sf Desire, will, pleasure. Dé is àill leibh? what is your will? an nì a b' àill leam, ...an còrr |
àilleag -eig -an, sm Jewel. 2 Gewgaw. 3 Pretty young maid. Nach cuimhne leat an àilleag? do you no...an còrr |
aindeoin sf Reluctance. 2 Compulsion, force. 3 Defiance. Có dhiubh is deòin leat no 's aindeoin, wh...an còrr |
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
triall sm Journey, departure. 2 Going, act of going, departing or marching. 3 Purpose, design. 4 Way...an còrr |
céir -e, sf Wax. 2 Wax candle. 3 Buttock. Mar leaghas teine céir, as fire melts wax; coinne...an còrr |
beannachd -an, sf Blessing. 2 Farewell expression. 3 Compliments, salutation, (see beannachadh). Cuir m...an còrr |
bodhradh -aidh, sm Deafening, stunning with noise. Tha mi air mo bhodhradh leat, you stun me with y...an còrr |
breug pr pt a' breugadh, va Soothe, amuse. 2 Flatter. 3 Pacify. 4 Cajole. 6 Entice. Breug am...an còrr |
bruidhinn * pr pt a' bruidhinn, va Speak, say, talk. Bruidhinn ris, speak to him; bha mi ...an còrr |
buaidh -e, n. pl. -ean -dheanan sf Victory, conquest, success. Thugadh buaidh 'nam fhi...an còrr |
buidhe a. Yellow, golden. 2 Grateful. 3 Agreeable. 4†† Lucky. 5 Fallow. Grian bhuidhe, a golden s...an còrr |
truagh -uaighe, a Wretched, miserable, distressing, sad, sorrowful, unhappy. 2 Worthless. 3 Miserly....an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
coma a Indifferent, not caring, regardless. Is coma leam thu, I hate you; nach coma leat-s...an còrr |
cuimhne sf ind Memory, remembrance, recollection. 2** Record, memorial. An cuimhne leat? do you re...an còrr |
dad s. & a Aught, anything. 2 Whit, trifle, jot. Chan eil dad math air, it is not worth an...an còrr |
dé? int. pron. What? Dé sin? what is that? Dé a b'àill leat? what is your will? Cur...an còrr |
dearmad -aid, -an, sm Omission, negligence, neglect, forgetfulness. 2 Inattention, slight. 3(MS) Vaca...an còrr |
deònach -aiche, a Agreeable, willing, granting. Gu deònach, willingly; an deònach leat?...an còrr |
fiach féich, fiachan, sm Value, price, worth. 2** Hire. 3 pl Debt, arrears. Fiach shia sgill...an còrr |
fiach -a, a Worthy, valuable. 2 Good. 3 Deserving. 4 Proper. prov. Chan fhiach seo, ...an còrr |