Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
binn -e, a Melodious, musical, sweet. 2 Shrill. 3 Harmonious. 4‡‡ True. An ni nach b...an còrr |
bràth -a, sm Judgment. 2 Destruction. [The sense conflagration given in the dictionaries is ...an còrr |
tréig pr pt a' tréigsinn, va & n Leave, quit, relinquish, desert, forsake, abandon. 2 Be...an còrr |
tuilleadh adv More, any more, farther, moreover. Tuilleadh agus, too; tuilleadh fòs, tuilleadh e...an còrr |
ath-bhuailte pt pt of ath-bhuail. Sgrios ath-bhuailte, double destruction; gu bràth tillibh ath-bhu...an còrr |
claoidh sf Pain, affliction, [does not mean Sorrow, as given by McL&D — CRJ] 2 Vexation. 3 ...an còrr |
meata a. Feeble. 2 Soft, cowardly, timid, faint-hearted. 3** Distrustful. Sìol meata, a timid ra...an còrr |
oilean -ein, -an, sm Education, instruction. 2 Household instruction, breeding. 3 Nurture, food. 4**...an còrr |