Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
gàth /gaː/ boir. neo-ath.
1 torrent, flood 2 heavy rain 3 sound of running/dripping water |
gath /gah/  fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
1 dart 2 beam, ray (of light) 3 sting (of an insect), prick 4 barb 5 knot (in wood) 6 shooting pain 7 sprout |
gath-droma fir. gin. -a-dhroma, iol. -an-droma
gath-gealaich fir. gin. -a-ghealaich, iol. -an-gealaich
gad-sice fir. gin. gaid-shice, iol. -an-sice
gath-dubh fir. gin. -a-dhuibh, iol. -an-dubha
1 beard (of oats) 2 undulating (sheets of) rain |
gath na nathrach (southern) adder's tongue, adder's tongue fern (ophioglossum vulgatum) |
gath-doininn fir. gin. -a-dhoininn, iol. -an-doininn
weather-gall, water-gall, dog-tooth (stump of a rainbow above the horizon, supposedly foretells stormy weather) |
cuir gath ann an Calum sting Calum! |
gath san fhiodh a knot in the wood |
gath siataige bag of bones, stick-figure (fig.) |
gath-gréine (gath na gréine) fir. gin. -a-ghréine, iol. -an-gréine
gath-muighe fir. gin. -a-mhuighe, iol. -an-muighe
gath-muinge /gaˈmɯ̃ĩŋʲgʲə/ fir. gin. -a-muinge, iol. -an-muinge
Gath Bolga gin. -builg, iol. -an-bolg
mythical spear used by Cù-Chulainn |
gath gamma gamma ray |
gath-solais fir. gin. -a-sholais, iol. -an-solais
1 ray of light 2 light beam |
gath-x fir. gin. -a-x, iol. -an-x
gath-seillein fir. gin. -a-sheillein, iol. -an-seillein
(an) gath-mór fir. gin. -a-mhóir, iol. -an-móra
large-flowered hemp-nettle (galeopsis speciosa) |
crann-gatha fir. gin. ⁊ iol. crainn-ghatha
gath-bheòthalachd boir. neo-ath.
gath-còrcach fir. gin. -a-chòrcaich, iol. -an-còrcach
hemp-nettle (genus galeopsis) |
gath-dealain fir. gin. -a-dhealain, iol. -an-dealain
gath-leigheas  fir. gin. -ghis
Toraidhean Dwelly
gath -a, pl. -an, -annan & -achan, sm Sting. 2 Dart, arrow, javelin of any kind. 3 Ray,...an còrr |
gàth § sm [with art. an]. Ivy, see eidheann. |
gàth (DC) sf Drip of rain from eaves. |
gath-doineann (AH) sm Stump of a rainbow, seen on the horizon in stormy weather called a dog-tooth — Mid...an còrr |
gath-gréine sf Sunbeam. 2 One of the names of Fingal's banner. B' ise an gath-gréine am measg bhan, sh...an còrr |
grian gréine, sf The sun. 2 Light of the sun. A ghrian na h-òg-mhaidne! thou sun of early...an còrr |
pòsadh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Marriage, wedlock. 2 Marrying, ceremony of marriage. 3 Wedding. A' pòsadh...an còrr |
taigh -e, -ean, sm House. 'S e 'ainm aoibhneach taigh na féile, its joyful name is the house of ...an còrr |
gath-riaghailt -e, -an-, sm Measuring-rod. 2‡‡ Radius of a circle. |
gath-bolg ** sf Fiery dart. |
gath-buafach -aich, sm Poisoned dart. |
gath-buidhe § sm Large-flowered hemp-nettle — galeopsis versicolor.[Preceded by art. ...an còrr |
gath-cuip -e, -an-cuip, sm Medical tent, roll put into a wound. |
gath-diùrd (WC) sm Small peg of wood on which bobbin in weaver's shuttle revolves. |
gath-dòrain smGaff. |
gath-dubh -uibhe, -an-dubha, sm Beard of oats. 2 in pl. The storm riders, the dark undula...an còrr |
gath-dubh sm Common hemp-nettle —galeopsis tetrahit. [Preceded by art. an]. ...an còrr |
gath-fruighe sm Poisoned arrow. |
gath-gealaich sf Moonbeam. Mar ghath-gealaich, like a moonbeam. |
gath-làir sm Direct spoke of a cycle-wheel. |
gath-linn ** sm North Polar star. |
gath-mór § see an gath buidhe. |
gath-muigh see gath-muinge. |
gath-muinge -an-, sm Mane. 2(DMy) The end of mane next the shouhlers. |
gath-muingeach a. Maned. |