Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
garbh /garav/  bua. coi. gairbhe
1 rough, coarse, rugged 2 thick, hefty, stout 3 harsh 4 hoarse 5 gross 6 wild (of weather) 7 ( intensifier) very |
Garbh MacStairn is Dual Garva, Son of Starno and Dual |
uabhasach fhéin garbh very/incredibly rough |
mìn-innse nan uirsgeul gu meadhan-oidhche agus garbh-innse nan uirsgeul gu gairm-coilich the full stories till midnight and the rough outlines till morning (story-telling convention of the taigh-céilidh) |
ann an staid a tha garbh in an awful state |
lus-garbh fir. gin. luis-ghairbh, iol. -an-garbha
cleavers, clivers, catchweed, sticky weed/Willy, Robin-run-the-hedge, goosegrass (galium aparine) |
neo-ar-thaing cho garbh every bit/just as/surely as rough |
garbh-shruth fir. gin. -a, iol. -an
violent stream, rough torrent |
garbh-thonn fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -thuinn
garbh-chrìoch boir. gin. -chrìche, iol. -an
1 rugged country 2 the wilds/sticks ( fig.) |
garbh-ghainmheach boir. gin. -mhich
garbh-aiteamh boir. gin. -eimh
mogal-garbh fir. gin. -ail-ghairbh, iol. -an-garbha
sea urchin (echinoidea class) |
garbh-lus fir. gin. -lusa, iol. -an
cleavers, clivers, catchweed, sticky weed/Willy, Robin-run-the-hedge, goosegrass (galium aparine) |
garbh-bheinn boir. gin. -e, iol. -bheanntan
garbh-innse /garav ĩːʃə/ fir. neo-ath.
garbh-ghucag boir. gin. -aige, iol. -an
foreshot (in whisky making) |
garbh-bhratach boir. gin. -aich, iol. -aichean
breac-garbh fir. gin. bric-ghairbh, iol. bric-gharbha
halibut (genus hippoglossus) |
garbh-àite /garavadʲ/ fir. iol. -tichean
garbh-thìr boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
garbh-ghlac boir. gin. -ghlaice, iol. -an
garbh-thollach bua. coi. -aiche
garbh fir. gin. ⁊ iol. gairbh
sgadan garbh large herring |
Toraidhean Dwelly
garbh gairbh, a. Thick, not slender. 2 Rough, of unequal surface. 3 Boisterous, stormy. 4 Harsh, ha...an còrr |
garbh gairbh, sm Thick. 2** Scab. 3** Warfare. 4** Courage. An garbh 's an caol, the thick and t...an còrr |
bó sf irreg. Cow. 2** rarely fawn. Declined thus: —...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
lus-garbh sm Goose-grass — ‡‡ gallium aparine. |
garbh-thonnach -aiche, a. Surgy, stormy, billowy, raging as the sea. |
muileann -inn, pl. -an & muilnean, sm Mill. Air cùl a' mhuilinn, behind the mill. Al...an còrr |
salach -aiche & sailche, a. Foul, dirty, filthy, nasty, unclean, polluted. 2 Troubled, agitated,...an còrr |
gaineamh -eimh, sf Sand. 2 Gravel. 3 The seashore. 4 Sandy beach. Garbh ghaineamh, gravel. |
àilgheas -is, sm (àil + gheas) Pleasure, will. 2 Power. 3 Pride, imperiousuess. 4** Desire, longing. À...an còrr |
cumachdail * -dala, a Well-shaped, well-proportioned. Garbh cumachdail, thick and shapely. |
fitheach-garbh (AF) sm Vulture. |
gairbhe comp of garbh. More or most gross. |
gairbhead comp of garbh. Is gairbhead e sin, it is the thicker for that. |
gairbh-shian -shein, sm see garbh-shìon. |
garbh-àite pl. -àitean & -àiteachan, sm Rough place, rocky place. |
garbh-allt sm Impetuous torrent. |
garbh-bhallach -aiche, a. Having large limbs. |
garbh-bhuille ** sf Heavy blow. |
garbh-chath sm Severe combat, heat of battle. |
garbh-chearbach -aiche, a. Broad-skirted. |
garbh-chlachaireachd ** sf (?) Fretwork. |
garbh-choimeasg (MS) sm Balderdash. |
garbh-chlùdach ** -aich, sm Coarse blanket, coverlet. |
garbh-chnàimheach -eiche, a. Large-boned. |