Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
gairbhe /gɛrʲɛvə/  boir. neo-ath.
1 harshness, roughness 2 coarseness, ruggedness 3 rudeness 4 stoutness |
garbh /garav/  bua. coi. gairbhe
1 rough, coarse, rugged 2 thick, hefty, stout 3 harsh 4 hoarse 5 gross 6 wild (of weather) 7 ( intensifier) very |
dallag-gharbh boir. gin. -aige-gairbhe, iol. -an-garbha
small-spotted catshark, lesser-spotted dogfish, rough-hound (scyliorhinus canicula) |
sgait-gharbh boir. gin. -gairbhe, iol. -ean-garbha
thornback ray/skate, rocker (raja clavata) |
praiseach-gharbh boir. gin. -sich-gairbhe
field/wild mustard, charlock (sinapis arvensis) |
seamrag-gharbh boir. gin. -aige-gairbhe, iol. -an-garbha
rough clover (trifolium scabrum) |
faochag-gharbh boir. gin. -aige-gairbhe, iol. -an-garbha
rough (peri)winkle (littorina saxatilis) |
cuiridin-gharbh /kurʲɪdʲɪn/ boir. gin. -e-gairbhe
rough/scouring rush horsetail, scouring rush, snake grass (equisetum hyemale) |
teilin-gharbh boir. gin. -e-gairbhe, iol. -ean-garbha
rough tellin (bosemprella incarnata) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
gairbhe sf ind Roughness, grossness, rudeness, coarseness, harshness. 2 Fierceness. |
gairbhe comp of garbh. More or most gross. |
garbh gairbh, a. Thick, not slender. 2 Rough, of unequal surface. 3 Boisterous, stormy. 4 Harsh, ha...an còrr |