Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
fliuch fliche, a Wet, moist, damp, oozy. Latha fliuch, a rainy day; fuar, fliuch gun d...an còrr |
fliuch pr pt a' fliuchadh, va & n. Wet, make wet, moisten. 2 Water. 3(DC) Make drunk ...an còrr |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
fàg pr pt a' fàgail, va Leave, quit, abandon, forsake. 2* Relinquish. 3 Outrun, outstrip. ...an còrr |
latha pl. làithean & lathachan, sm Day, space from evening to evening. 2 Daylight. 3 On ...an còrr |
pàirt -e, -ean, sf Part, share, portion. 2 Connection, interest. 3 Relation, kindred, relationship....an còrr |
sneachd -a, sm Snow. Ris an t-sneachd, snowing; fliuch-shneachd, sleet; clach-shneachd,...an còrr |
sùil gen sing sùl & sùla, dat. sùil, voc. a shùil! npl sùilean, genpl ...an còrr |
talamh gen sing -aimh & talmhainn, pl. -an, -nan & -anta, †† m. in the nom....an còrr |
fliche comp of fliuch. Wetter. 2 Wettest. |
fliuchadh -aidh, sm Wetting, act of wetting or watering. 2 Wet weather, moistening rain. A' fliuchadh,...an còrr |
fliuchaidh fut aff a of fliuch. Shall wet. |
fliuch-bheulach -aiche, a Watery-mouthed. 2 That spits much about. 3 That tipples. 4 That ships water. |
fliuch-bhileach ** a see fliuch-bheulach. |
fliuch-bhòrd -bhùird, sm The plank of a boat next the keel, keel-board. |
fliuch-shneachd -a, sm Sleet, moist snow. [pron. flichneachd]. |
fliuch-shrònach -aiche, a Phlegmatic, snotty. |
fliuch-shùil -shùla, -shùilean, sf Bleary-eye. |
fliuch-shùileach -aiche, a Rheum-eyed. 2 Having bleary-eyes. 3 Tearful. 4 Ophthalmic. |
fliuch-shùileachd sf ind Blearyness of the eyes. 2 Running of water from the eyes. 3 Ophthalmia. |
fliuiche (for fliche), comp of fliuch. |
gille-cas-fliuch ** sm Attendant of a chieftain who carried his master over streams and when necessary, into a...an còrr |
reusbaid (CR) sf Groove or bed in the keel of a boat to receive the edge of the fliuch-bòrd or ...an còrr |