Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
flat /fLahd/ fir. iol. -aichean
flat /fLahd/ bua. neo-ath.
flat /fLahd/ fir. iol. -aichean
bog /bog/  bua. coi. buige
1 flabby, soft, limp, pulpy 2 moist, marshy, boggy, sloppy 3 foolish 4 damp, humid 5 indulgent 6 spiritless 7 flat (in music) 8 lax (in linguistics) |
air a dhruim dìreach  flat on his back, laid out flat |
tha e 'na phlaidse air an làr he is flat on the floor |
chaidh i air a plìon fodha he fell face down, he fell flat on his face |
leac-arain boir. gin. lic-arain, iol. -an-arain
flat surface for baking bread by an open fire (historically a flat stone, latterly a metal spatula) |
spàgaire /sbaːgɪrʲə/ fir. iol. -an
person with awkward feet (splay/flat/club-footed) |
smot /smɔhd/ fir. gin. smoit, iol. -an
1 bill, beak 2 snout 3 flat/pug-nose 4 pout 5 stump, log |
eisir-oir fir. iol. -ean-oir
European flat oyster, mud/edible oyster, Colchester native (ostrea edulis) |
sluitreag boir. gin. -eige, iol. -an
fleid /fledʲ/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
flat piece of arable land |
fidean /fidʲan/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -ein
sgeilltear /sgʲeiLʲdʲər/ fir. gin. -eir, iol. -an
flat valve (of a bivalve, esp. scallops, formerly used as plates) |
clàrach /kLaːrəx/ boir. gin. -aich, iol. -aichean
1 flat-bottomed boat 2 wooden floor, decking |
stalla /sdaLə/ fir. iol. -chan
1 cliff, precipice, steep rock 2 rock ledge 3 large flat rock (in farmland) 4 peat bank/hag |
smut /smuhd/ fir. gin. smuit, iol. -an
1 bill, beak 2 snout 3 flat/pug-nose 4 stump, log |
theab mi a dhol ann an afainn I almost fell flat on my back (and couldn't get up again) (fig.) |
laigh air do dhruim dìreach lie flat on your back! |
còmhnard /kɔ̃ːnəRd/  bua. coi. -airde
1 even, flat, level 2 smooth 3 horizontal |
thuit mi 'nam chlod air an rathad I fell flat on my face on the road |
àras /aːrəs/ fir. gin. -ais, iol. -an
1 abode 2 apartment, flat |
maol /mɯːL/  bua. coi. maoile
1 bare 2 blunt 3 hornless, polled 4 easily deceived 5 dense, dull 6 flat (in music) |
leòbag /Lʲɔːbag/ boir. gin. -aige, iol. -an
any flat fish, esp. flounders and soles |
Toraidhean Dwelly
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
leac lice, dat lic, pl leacan, sf Flag, slab, flat stone. 2 Tombstone. 3 Plate, as o...an còrr |
leacach -aiche, a. Abounding in tombstones, flags, plates or slabs. 2‡‡ Having large ch...an còrr |
casan-spàgach s.pl. Splay-feet (flat feet having the toes turned outwards). |
marbh pr pt a' marbhadh, va Kill, slay, assassinate, murder, slaughter. 2 Subdue, mortify. 3...an còrr |
pleatach (AC) a. Flat, broad, even. 2 Wreathed. 3 Plaited, folded, doubled. Gasan pleatach, broad f...an còrr |
spàg -àig, -an, sf Claw. 2 Paw. 3 Clubfoot. 4 Limb of an animal. 5** Foot of a cloven- foot...an còrr |
spòg -òig, -an, sf Claw, talon, paw. 2 in ridicule the foot or hand. 3 Fluke of an anchor. ...an còrr |
srath -a, -an, sm Valley through which a river runs. 2 Low-lying or flat part of a valley district ...an còrr |
leacag -aig, -an, sf dim of leac. Little flat stone or flag. 2** Slate. |
crom-leac -lic, -an, sf Flat stone in an inclined position, supported by three stones placed perpendicu...an còrr |
clàr-aodannach -aiche, a Broad-faced, flat-faced, broad-browed, broad-visaged. [** gives clàr-aodainn...an còrr |
bairighean † sm Floor, flat of ground. |
cùlag -aige, sf Back tooth. 2 Turf placed at the back of a peat-fire, large flat peat cut with a co...an còrr |
duibheid -ean, sf Flat turf used for covering cottages, “divot.” |
fàisgeil a Flat, compressed. |
fanaich s. Place of the flat. |
fleogan -ain, sm Untidy person. 2 Flabby person. 3** Any flat fish. 4** Sole. 5** Fluke. 6** Flounder...an còrr |
fleoganach -aiche, a Untidy, tawdry, unshapely. 2 Flabby. 3 Like a flat fish. 4 Abounding in flat...an còrr |
gaogach -aiche, a. Unequally spun. 2 Having defects. 3 Flat, stale. 4 Squint-eyed. |
geòis sf Flat belly. |
laoim ** vn Lodge or fall flat to the ground, as standing corn. |
laomach (DU) sf Piece of land where corn falls flat from exuberant growth. |
leacachadh -aidh, sm Paving, act of paving or laying with flat stones. A' leacachadh, pr pt of le...an còrr |
leacagach -aiche, a. Abounding in small flat stones or slates. |