Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
fichead -chid, a Twenty. [Followed by a noun in gen pl]. Fichead fear, twenty men;...an còrr |
aitheamh -eimh, pl -eamhan [contr aithean **] Fathom. Fichead aitheamh, twenty fathoms. |
aois -e, sf Age. 2 Old age. 3 Antiquity. Dé an aois a tha thu? what is your age? is mairg a...an còrr |
boc buic, sm Buck, roebuck. 2 He-goat. 3AF Entire horse. 4** term of ridicule for a fop. B...an còrr |
bonn -uinn, pl. -uinn & bonnan, sm Heel. 2 Sole. 3 Foundation, found of house. 4 Pedest...an còrr |
càirdeas -eis, sm Relationship. 2 Friendship. 3 Kindness. 4 Fellowship, friendliness. 5 Benevolence, g...an còrr |
gu prep. To, towards. Cuiridh mi litir thugad, I will send a letter to you; thuige is bhu...an còrr |
latha pl. làithean & lathachan, sm Day, space from evening to evening. 2 Daylight. 3 On ...an còrr |
mu thuaiream prep. About (in estimate). Mu thuaiream fichead latha, about twenty days; dh'fh...an còrr |
seachad adv By, along, on, onward, forward. 2 Aside. 3 Out of the way. 4 Past. 5 Beyond, more. 6 Gone...an còrr |
socraich pr pt a' socrachadh, va & n. Establish, fix, make firm or steady. 2 Determi...an còrr |
suas (i.e. a-suas) adv Up, upward, (away from one). 2 Westwards. Shuas, above, above there, abo...an còrr |
timcheall prep & adv About, around. 2 Of, concerning. 3** In a circuit. Mu thimcheall, about, co...an còrr |
trì fichead a Sixty. Trì tichead 's a h-aon, sixty one; trì fichead saighdear 's a h-aon deug, ...an còrr |
còrr -a, a Excellent, great, eminent. 2 Extraordinary. 3 Odd, not even. 4** Remaining. 5** Upwards...an còrr |
fithchiod a see fichead. |
geamha * sm Pledge, compensation. Cha bu geamha leam, it would be no compensation to me; am b...an còrr |
paighneachas -ais, sm Penalty. 2 Bail, security, pledge. 3 Insurance. Ann am paighneachas fichead punnd Sa...an còrr |
searradh -aidh, sm Cutting, act of cutting or hacking, as with a knife. 2 Reaping, act of reaping or m...an còrr |