Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
fad /fad/ fir. gin. faid, iol. -an
fad /fad/ gn. ag. -ail
1 (en)kindle, light! 2 ignite! |
fàd /faːd/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. fòid
fada /fadə/ bua. coi. fhaide
1 long 2 far 3 lanky, tall |
air fad altogether, completely, in total, wholly, as a whole, in all, downright, throughout |
fad deugachadh mór bhliadhnaichean for decades |
cha robh fad-saoghal an dàn dha he was not destined to live long |
fada air astar far off/away |
far /far/ roi. gin. neo-ath.
rach am fad get longer! |
fad-cheannach bua. coi. -aiche
1 long-headed 2 sagacious 3 shrewd |
's iomadh rud a chì am fear a shiùbhlas fad ás /ʃiməɣ Rud ə çiː m fɛr ə hjuːLəs fad as/ he who travels has a tale to tell, travel broadens the mind |
air fad a chéile next/parallel to each other |
bidh mi ullamh air fad I'll be totally finished |
fad-shaoghalach bua. coi. -aiche
fàd-cinn fir. gin. ⁊ iol. fòid-chinn
(single) top peat (usually with bits of vegetation still attached) |
bha e ag obair air an iorram sin fad an latha he kept at it all day long (fig.) |
fad an fheasgair all afternoon |
fad-chasach bua. coi. -aiche
fionna-fada fir. neo-ath.
eideis /edʲaʃ/ boir. iol. -ean
fàd-mòine fir. gin. ⁊ iol. fòid-mhòine
duine fuar fada ás cold/distant person |
cho cruaidh ri fàd as hard as rock/steel (fig.) |
fad an t-siubhail all the time |
Toraidhean Dwelly
fad sm ind Length. 2* Distance. 3* Tallness. prep During, over. 2 Throughout. 3** Altogeth...an còrr |
fad ‡‡ pr pt a' fadail, va Kindle, see fadaidh. |
fad prep. During, over. 2 Throughout. 3** Altogether, wholly. 4** Longitudinally. |
fàd -àid, fòid. (DMy) Furrow of the plough. 2 Single peat. 3 Divot used in thatching. Fàd mòineach, a...an còrr |
ré sf ind [** gives m]. The moon. 2 Time, season, duration, space of time. 3 Life, existe...an còrr |
anns prep In, in the. Anns gach beul, in every mouth. [Used before the article an, a...an còrr |
astar -air, -an, sm Journey. 2 Space, Distance. 3 Way, path. Astar mór, a great distance; as...an còrr |
beatha -annan, sf Life. 2 Victuals, food. 3 Livelihood. 4 Welcome, salutation. 5 see beithir. Is amh...an còrr |
boillsgeadh -eidh, -eidhean, sm Shining, gleaming, glittering, glaring, flashing, effulgence. 2 Cheering,...an còrr |
gealtair -ean, sm Coward, timid fellow. 'S tric a bha claidheamh fad an làimh gealtair, oft has a l...an còrr |
goistidheachd sf ind Office or duty of a godfather. 2 Gossipping. Ri goistidheachd, assuming the office ...an còrr |
cleamhnas -ais, sm Affinity, betrothal. 2 Friendship, consanguinity, relationship by marriage. 3...an còrr |
air fad prep Through, throughout. 2 Among. 3 During. Mharbhadh iad air fad, they were all killed....an còrr |
leud leòid, -an, sm Breadth. 2 Degree of breadth. 3** Extension. 4** Space, spaciness. Leud ròine,...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
crò -òtha, -òithean [& -òitean,] sm Circle. 2 Sheep-cot, pen or fold, wattled fold. 3 Stall, ...an còrr |
mòine gen mòna [& mòine, ] sf ind Moss, mossy place, morass, bog. 2 Peat, turf. Cruach m...an còrr |
dàimh sm & f Relationship, connection, affinity, friendship. 2** Kindness. 3** Friend. 4‡...an còrr |
òrdag -aig, -an, sf Thumb. 2 Great toe. Air òrdaig an làimhe deise, on the thumb of their...an còrr |
saoghal -ail, -an, sm The world, a world. 2 Age, generation. 3 Life, lifetime. 4 Means, wealth, subst...an còrr |
sealladh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Sight, spectacle, view. 2 Compass of vision, extent to which one can see....an còrr |
seòl-mara -ùil-mhara, siùil-mhara or -an-mara, sm Side current. 2** Tide. 3(WC) Ebb tide. 4(WC) ...an còrr |
fada faide, a Long, of great length, the opposite of short. 2 Of long continuance, for a lo...an còrr |
slat -ait, -an, sf Any rod or twig. 2 Switch, wand. 3 Yard in length. 4 Yard to measure with. 5 Ha...an còrr |
beum-sgéithe sm Challenge, literally shield-blow. Bhuail e beum-sgéithe agus fàd-còmhraig, he st...an còrr |