Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
eagal -ail, sm Fear, timidity, fright, dread, terror. 2 Superstition. Dé is eagal dhut? what har...an còrr |
tùs -ùis, sm Beginning, the beginning, commencement, origin. 2 Front, van, as of an army. Eilidh,...an còrr |
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
air eagal gu conj Lest. |
dùraig pr pt a' dùraigeadh & a' dùrachdainn, va Wish, incline, desire. 2** Dare. 3** Vent...an còrr |
ás prep pron (ás + e) Out of him or it. 2 From him or it. [Emphatic - ássan, ás fh...an còrr |
biorgadh -aidh, sm Painful wrench or twist. 2 Pricking pain. A' biorgadh, pr pt of biorg. Bhuai...an còrr |
eud sm Zeal. 2 Jealousy. [Eud in the North generally means zeal, while jealousy is iada...an còrr |
is pres. ind v def. & irreg. Thus conjugated: IND pres is mi, I am; ...an còrr |
leig pr pt a' leigeil & a' leigeadh, va & n. Permit, allow. 2 Slip, as dogs to the ...an còrr |
nòs -òis, -an, sm Custom, manner, habit. Cha bu nòs do Dhiarmad eagal, D. was not ...an còrr |
obann -ainne, a. Sudden, unexpected. 2 Quick, nimble, agile. 3 Rash, hasty. 4* Pert, meddling. Eaga...an còrr |
oirre prep pron On her, upon her. 2 Owed by her. 3 Matter with her. 4 Over her. Dé a tha oirre? ...an còrr |
roimh prep. Before, in respect of situation or place. 2 Before, in respect of time. 3 Above, in pre...an còrr |
roimhe prep pron (roimh + e) Before him or it. 2 In front of him. 3 In preference to him. Am fear na...an còrr |
romhad prep pron (roimh + thu) Before you (sing). 2 Previous to you. 3 In your contemplation or inte...an còrr |
rùn -ùin, pl. [-ùntan, -ùinte &] -ùintean, sm Secret, mystery, secrecy. 2 Inclination,...an còrr |
sùil gen sing sùl & sùla, dat. sùil, voc. a shùil! npl sùilean, genpl ...an còrr |
tòrachd sf Pursuit, chase, pursuing with hostile intention. 2 Inquiring, asking, strict inquiry or se...an còrr |
tuig pr pt a' tuigsinn, va & n Understand, perceive, discern, comprehend. Thuig e do ch...an còrr |
sàr -àir & -a, sm Hero, brave warrior. 2 Worthy, excellent man. Cha robh eagal air sàr riamh,...an còrr |
'n cont. for an, particle. A chionn gu'n robh eagal orra, because...an còrr |
d' eagal conj. For fear, lest, in case. D' eagal gu, for fear that; d' eagal nach, for fear ...an còrr |
eagail gen sing of eagal. |
eagail -ail, see eagal. |