Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
dreach pr pt a' dreachadh, va Figure, delineate, shape. 2 Adorn, polish, dress. 3 Colour, pai...an còrr |
dreach -a, -an, sm Form, figure, image, shape. 2 Fashion, appearance. 3 Seemliness, beauty. 4 Colour...an còrr |
buaine comp of a. buan. More or most enduring. Daraig as buaine dreach, an oak of hardiest...an còrr |
caochladh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Change, alteration. 2 Death, dying, passing away. 3 Putrefying. 4(DU) Var...an còrr |
deirge comp of dearg. More or most red. Fìon as deirge dreach, wine of the reddest hue. |
leus leòis, sm Blaze, flame. 2 Light, ray of light, glimmering light. 3** Fir-candle. 4 Torch used...an còrr |
dreachadh -aidh, sm Portraiture. 2 Polishing, dressing, adorning. 3 Figuring. 4 Act of portraying, poli...an còrr |
dreach-bhuidhe a Beautifully yellow. |
dreachd † sf see dreach. 2 Poem. |
dreach-lùbach -aiche, a Serpentine. |
dreach-mhìn -e, a Beautifully smooth. 2 Attractive, mild. 3 Graceful. |
mion-dreach sm Little image. |
deilbhinn deud dhathte bhon dheilbhinn chuireadh dreach air na h-armaibh 's na cùm chruaidh-each bhon cheàrdai...an còrr |