Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
de /dʲe ~ ʝiəm ʝiəhd ʝɛh ʝih ʝiːNʲ ʝiv ʝu/ roi. (dhen/den; dhìom, dhìot, dheth, dhith, dhinn, dhibh, dhiubh)
an còrr dhen latha the rest of the day |
greis dhen ghrian is greis dhen uisge sun with intermittent showers |
bogha-frois, bogha-frois, tàr ás, tàr ás, trì stràcan dhen chrios, cuir an t-uisge ás, na buachaillean bochd air sgàth nan cnoc ag iarraidh air Dia an t-uisge a chur ás rain, rain go away come again another day; rain, rain go away Little Johnny wants to play (fig.) |
tha mi seachd searbh sgìth dhen tràchdas seo I am fed up with this dissertation |
tha goimh agam dhen duine ud I can't stand that guy, I hate that guy's guts |
an còrr dhen ùine  (for) the rest of the time |
dèan butarrais dhen bhiadh make a mess/hotchpotch of the meal! |
tha e gun bhonn dhen t-saoghal he hasn't got a penny to his name (fig.) |
caith a cheann dhen cholann le claidheamh chop his head off his body with a sword! |
chan eil ann ach cìrean dhen tuilleadh it's only the tip of the iceberg (fig.) |
suas pìos dhen latha a little later in the day |
seas do làmh fhéin dhen chosgais put/stump up your own share of the costs! |
tha i làn dhen aincheard she's full of crude jests |
dèan càl no brochan dhen a siud! make of that what you will! |
dèan rùdhan dhen mhòine make small peat stacks! |
tha mi dhen bheachd sin 1 I am of that view 2 I am of that persuasion |
dhen t-seann-fhasan of the old style/fashion |
an taoman agus an ràmh as miosa dhan fhear mu dheireadh dhen an eathar Devil take the hindmost (fig.) |
tha mi seachd sgìth dhen cho-fharpais seo I am so tired of this competition |
dhen t-seann-seòrsa of the old kind/sort |
cha robh mi móran 's dhen cheàird sin I hadn't been doing that for long, I hadn't been at it for a long time |
uair dhan robh e once upon a time |
dhen aon seòrsa taghaidh of the same selection |
fhuair mi beagan dhen ghrian I caught the sun a bit |
Toraidhean Dwelly
boladh -aidh, sm Smell, stink, savour. Chan ioghnadh boladh an sgadain a bhith dhen t-soitheach sam ...an còrr |
àill sf Desire, will, pleasure. Dé is àill leibh? what is your will? an nì a b' àill leam, ...an còrr |
àth àtha, pl -an, & -annan, sf Kiln. Nuair a bha sinn san àth le chéile, when we we...an còrr |
bàthadh -aidh, sm Drowning. 2 Quenching, slaking. 3 Smothering. 4‡‡ Faint, swoon. A' bà...an còrr |
biorgadh -aidh, sm Painful wrench or twist. 2 Pricking pain. A' biorgadh, pr pt of biorg. Bhuai...an còrr |
gur -uir, sm Brood of birds, hatch, incubation. 2 Festering, matter of a fester. 3† Blotch, wheal...an còrr |
òirleach -ich, sf Inch. 2** Slaughter, massacre. Is treasa aon òirleach dhen ghille na dà òirlich den ...an còrr |
ruig v. irreg. Reach, extend to. 2 Reach, arrive at. 3 Attain to. 4** Hold forth, stretch out. 5 B...an còrr |
brùchd -a, -an, sm Sudden rushing forth, as of a multitude, sally, any sudden burst or disruption. 2...an còrr |
ceò gen ceò & ceòtha, pl. ceòtha, sm Mist, vapour, fog. 2* Amazement. 3** ra...an còrr |
saoghal -ail, -an, sm The world, a world. 2 Age, generation. 3 Life, lifetime. 4 Means, wealth, subst...an còrr |
seabhag -aig, -an, sf Peregrine falcon (falco peregrinus). Cearc-sheabhaig, a fowl paid of old...an còrr |
cliath gen cléithe, dat. cléith, npl cliathan [& cleith] dat. pl. cliathaib...an còrr |
còmhla -aidh, pl. -aidh & -chan [& -ichean], sm Doorframe, doorleaf, gate. 2(DC) One ...an còrr |
slat -ait, -an, sf Any rod or twig. 2 Switch, wand. 3 Yard in length. 4 Yard to measure with. 5 Ha...an còrr |
cumanta a Common, general, customary, ordinary, plebeian. Gu cumanta an cumanta, commonly;...an còrr |
dara a Second, either, either of two. An dara h-uair, the second time; an dara h-ài...an còrr |
tòisich pr pt a' tòiseachadh, va & n Begin, commence, fall to, assay. Thòisich iad air cui...an còrr |
ultach -aich, -aichean, sm Burden carried within the fold or grasp of the arms, armful. 2 Lap...an còrr |
urramach -aiche, a Noble, honourable. 2 Reverend, venerable, worthy of respect, distinguished, worship...an còrr |
fiacais in the conversational Gaelic of Eigg & Uist, is the more or less courteous retort to inqu...an còrr |
beag a Little, short, diminutive. 2 Disagreeable, often used to express disapprobation. 3 Light, t...an còrr |
géill pr pt a' géilleachdainn, a' géilleadh, & a' géilltinn, vn Yield, submit, cede. 2 S...an còrr |
giorra comp of geàrr & goirid. Shorter, shortest. 2 Sooner, nearer. 3 More lately. Nas giorra, ...an còrr |
flath -aith, pl. -an & flaithean, sm King. 2 Prince, chief, commander. 3 Hero, champion....an còrr |