Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
dia /dʲiə/  fir. gin. dhé, iol. -than
1 god 2 God 3 (in pl.) the gods (theatre seating) |
dealan-dé /dʲaLanˈdʲeː/ fir. gin. -ain-dhé, iol. -an-dé
butterfly (rhopalocera suborder) |
mac Dhé the son of God |
de /dʲe ~ ʝiəm ʝiəhd ʝɛh ʝih ʝiːNʲ ʝiv ʝu/ roi. (dhen/den; dhìom, dhìot, dheth, dhith, dhinn, dhibh, dhiubh)
bha i dhe na h-àigh she was one of the best (fig.) |
rìoghachd Dhé the kingdom of God |
le gràs Dhé by the grace of God |
dearbadan-dé fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -ain-dhé
butterfly (rhopalocera suborder) |
tìde dhe na tìdean at some point in time |
feasgar dhe na feasgraichean one afternoon |
tarbhan-dé fir. gin. -ain-dhé, iol. -an-dé
butterfly (rhopalocera suborder) |
uair dhe na h-uairean one time, once |
teillean-dé fir. gin. -ein-dhé, iol. -an-dé
butterfly (rhopalocera suborder) |
latha dhe na làithean 1 one of these days 2 some/one day |
le deòin Dhé God willing |
tormachan-dé fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -ain-dhé
butterfly (rhopalocera suborder) |
tog prabalais dhe Cebuano pick up a smattering of Cebuano! |
dealman-dé fir. gin. -ain-dhé, iol. -an-dé
butterfly (rhopalocera suborder) |
facal Dhé the word of God |
tha neart dhe na daoine air falbh most of the people have left |
dé ann an ainm Dhé? what in God's name? |
bheir thu an léine dhe mo dhruim you will ruin me! (fig.) |
àras Dhé the house of God |
na fosgail do bheul air nì dhe na chanas mi don't breathe a word to anyone about what I am going to tell you! |
Là Féill Moire Màthair Dhé Feast of the Motherhood of Our Lady |
Toraidhean Dwelly
Dhé gen & voc. sing of Dia. Taigh Dhé, the house of God. |
dhe asp. form of de. Am fear as àirde dhen triùir, the tallest of (from among) the three. |
annsachd sf ind Love, affection, attachment, 2 Person beloved. A thug rùn agus annsachd, that besto...an còrr |
beannachd -an, sf Blessing. 2 Farewell expression. 3 Compliments, salutation, (see beannachadh). Cuir m...an còrr |
briste a. & past part of bris. Broken. 2* Made a bankrupt, insolvent. 3 Bruised. 4 Wounded. 5** ...an còrr |
brùchd -a, -an, sm Sudden rushing forth, as of a multitude, sally, any sudden burst or disruption. 2...an còrr |
canntaireachd sf Chanting, singing, warbling. 2** Melodiousness. 3** Song-singing. 4** Merriment. 5(a) The ...an còrr |
dèan v. irreg. Do, make, act, work, perform. 2* Suppose, imagine, think. Conjugated thus - ...an còrr |
deòin -e, sf Accord, assent, will, purpose. A dheòin, willingly; 'am (= do m') dheòin...an còrr |
Dia sm irreg. Declined thus:...an còrr |
dol sm ind Going, travelling. 2 Proceeding. 3 Ways. 4 Walking. 5 Space, distance. 6* Condition, s...an còrr |
freastal -ail, sm Serving, attending, waiting. 2 Providence. 3 Fate, lot. 4 Guardian angel. 5 Visitati...an còrr |
gràs -àis, -an, sm Grace, favour. 2 Divine favour. 3 Aid, help. 4 Grace in the soul. 5 Fortune, lu...an còrr |
mair pr pt a' maireann, a' mairsinn & a' maireachdainn, vn Live, exist. 2 Continue, las...an còrr |
mìnich pr pt a' mìneachadh, [mìnceadh —Dàin I. Ghobha,] va Explain, expound, ill...an còrr |
sgàth -a, -an, sm Shadow, shade. 2 Pretence. 3 Disgust. 4 Fright, fear, dread, apprehension. 5 Sake...an còrr |
sochair -e, -ean, sf Benefit, profit, emolument. 2 Immunity, privilege. 3 Comfort, ease. 4(AC) Right....an còrr |
tagair pr pt a' tagairt & a' tagradh, va & n. Plead, prosecute, plead a cause, crave....an còrr |
teisteas -eis, sm Testimony. Teisteas Dhé, the testimony of God. |
toil -e, -ean, sf Will, the will, inclination, desire, wish. 2 Pleasure, delight. 3 Love. An ti a ...an còrr |
tùs -ùis, sm Beginning, the beginning, commencement, origin. 2 Front, van, as of an army. Eilidh,...an còrr |
taitneach -eiche, a. Pleasant, delightful, fascinating, agreeable, acceptable. 2** Grateful. 3** Satisf...an còrr |
treabhachas -ais, sm Husbandry, agriculture. 2 Arable farm. 3** Specimen of ploughing. Is sibhse t...an còrr |
campachadh -aidh, sm Encamping, encampment. A' campachadh, pr pt of campaich. Tha aingeal Dhé a' ...an còrr |
coimirc -e, sf Mercy, sparing, giving of quarter. Coimirc Dhé oirbh, may God spare you — said ...an còrr |