Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
dealbh /dʲɛLɛv/ fir. gin. -a
1 bit, small amount, soupçon 2 short distance |
dealbh /dʲaLav/  fir. gin. deilbh, iol. -an
1 picture, photo 2 illustration 3 photo(graph) 4 (act of) creating, shaping 5 (act of) designing, fashioning, forming 6 form, figure 7 appearance 8 (act of) devising 9 delineation 10 (act of) warping (in weaving) |
dealbh /dʲaLav/  gn. ag. -adh
1 create, shape! 2 design, fashion, form! 3 devise! 4 warp! (in weaving) |
dèan dealbh de Chalum draw (a picture of) Calum! |
beart-deilbh boir. gin. beairte-deilbh, iol. -an-deilbh
1 warping frame 2 framework |
dealbh-chluich /dʲaLavxLɪç/  boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
dealbh beart set/warp a loom! |
tarraing dealbh de Chalum draw a picture of Calum! |
dealbh-tìre fir. gin. deilbh-thìre, iol. -an-tìre
1 landscape (picture) 2 landscaping |
tog dealbh take a picture! |
dealbh-camara fir. gin. deilbh-chamara, iol. -an-camara
dealbh-tarraing fir. gin. deilbh-tharraing, iol. -an-tarraing
dealbh de chobhar 1 a picture of froth 2 a tiny amount of froth |
dealbh-bheart boir. gin. -bheairt, iol. -bheairtean
dealbh-sgoile fir. gin. deilbh-sgoile, iol. -an-sgoile
dealbh-clas fir. gin. deilbh-chlas, iol. -an-clas
deal ris get on with it! |
dealbh-chlò-shuidheachadh fir. gin. -aidh
dealbh-chlò-sheatadh fir. gin. -aidh
dealbh-crutha fir. gin. deilbh-chrutha, iol. -an-crutha
dealbh-adhair fir. gin. deilbh-adhair, iol. -an-adhair
dealbh-altair fir. gin. deilbh-altair, iol. -an-altair
dealbh-ceàrna fir. gin. deilbh-cheàrna, iol. -an-ceàrna
dealbh-bracaiste fir. gin. deilbh-bhracaiste, iol. -an-bracaiste
muinntir dealbh-chluiche cast of a play |
Toraidhean Dwelly
dealbh a [& deilbh,] -an, sm Image. 2 Statue. 3 Picture, delineation. 4 Photograph. 5 Appearance...an còrr |
dealbh pr pt a' dealbhadh, va Form, figure, shape, mould. 2** Construct, make, build, 3 Delin...an còrr |
dealbh † ** a Poor, miserable. 2 Spectral. |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
dealbhaich pr pt a' dealbhachadh, va Same meanings as dealbh. |
maise sf ind Beauty, comeliness, gracefulness, elegance, bloom. 2 Ornament, decoration. Chuireadh t...an còrr |
suarach -aiche, a. Insignificant, trifling, of little worth, valueless, not valuable, paltry, abject,...an còrr |
tarraing pr pt a' tarraing, va & n. Draw, pull. 2 Draw, attract, allure, lead. 3 Take the l...an còrr |
dealbh-chaochladh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Transfiguration. |
creiseim s These two pegs on the upper crossbar, as in the second illustration No. 236a and two simila...an còrr |
an-dealbh -a, -an, sm see aindealbh. |
bàrd-dealbh-cluiche see bàrd-cluiche. |
dealbhadh -aidh, sm Forming, shaping, painting, delineating. 2 Contriving, planning, feigning, devising...an còrr |
dealbhan sm Little image, statue or picture. 2 n pl of dealbh. |
dealbh-bhruis ** sf Artist's “pencil” or brush. |
dealbh-chluiche -an & -annan, sf Play, stage-play, drama. |
dealbh-chluith -e, -ean, sf see dealbh-chluich. |
dealbhadair see dealbh-chluicheadair. |
dealbh-dùthcha sm Map. |
dealbh-inntinneach -eiche, a Ideal. |
dealbh-lìobhair -ean, sm Painter. |
dealbh-sgrìobhadh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Hieroglyphic. |
dealbh-sgrìobhaidh sm Etching. |
dealbhta pt pt of dealbh. Formed. 2 Built, constructed. 3 Woven, warped. |
deilbh -e, -ean, sf see dealbh. 2 gen sing of dealbh. |