Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
deagh- /dʲoː/  bua. neo-ath.
(precedes and lenites the noun) 1 good, fine, nice 2 (as intens.) pretty, rather well |
feumaidh fear nam breug deagh-chuimhne a liar needs a good memory |
deagh-rùnach bua. coi. -aiche
1 favourable 2 well-intentioned, well-meaning |
ann an deagh-àm  1 in (good) time 2 timely |
deagh-rùn /dʲoː ruːn/ fir. gin. -rùin, iol. -rùintean
deagh-ghean fir. gin. -a
deagh-aithnichte bua. neo-ath.
millidh droch-cho-luadar deagh-bheus(an) 1 bad company corrupts good character 2 the rotten apple injures its neighbours, keep bad men company and you'll soon be one of their number (fig.) |
cupa tì air a deagh-tharraing a well-infused cup of tea |
tha e ann an deagh-làmhan he is in good hands |
is fheàrr deagh-eòlas na droch-chàirdeas better a good acquaintance than a bad friendship |
deagh-chliù fir. neo-ath.
deagh-bheachd fir. iol. -an
1 good intention 2 good opinion 3 vivid recollection |
ghabh iad deagh-shearrag they had more than a few (fig.) |
tha an deagh-smùid air he is well drunk/pissed/oiled |
le deagh-dhùrachd, with compliments, yours truly/sincerely (in correspondence) |
deagh-spiorad fir. gin. -aid, iol. -an
deagh-iomchar fir. iol. -air
deagh-chòmhdhalach fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -aich
good/lucky foot ( guid fit; auspicious person to meet before a venture) |
ann an deagh-thrum in a good mood |
ann an deagh-rùn in good faith |
is minig a thog gille piollagach agus loth pheallagach deagh-ìre looks can be deceiving, don't judge a book by its cover (fig.) |
millidh droch-chompanach deagh-bheus bad company corrupts good character |
's minig a bha droch-laogh aig deagh-mhart many a good cow has a bad calf |
ann an deagh-chulaidh in good condition |
Toraidhean Dwelly
deagh a Good, excellent, worthy. Dà dheagh mheann, two good kids; deagh dhuine, a...an còrr |
deagh (mun) for mun rachadh. Mun deagh an glacadh no an tarraing, ere they would be naught or drawn ...an còrr |
àile sm The air. 2 Scent, smell. 3 Wind, breeze, strength of the breeze. Àile deagh bholaidh, a...an còrr |
ainm -e, pl -ean, -eannan, sm Name. 2 Substantive noun. 3 Character. An t-ainm gun an tairb...an còrr |
cungaidh -ean, sf Tool, instrument, implement. 2 Materials, ingredients. 3 Baggage. 4†† ...an còrr |
adhbhar -air, -airean, sm Cause, reason. 2 Subject, matter. Adhbhar bròin, a cause of grief; c...an còrr |
ball buill, sm Member, limb. 2 Member of a society. 3 Male instrument of generation, {penis}. 4 An...an còrr |
bàrr -a, sm Top, uppermost part of anything. 2 Point, as of a weapon or shoe. 3 Crop of grain, gra...an còrr |
bean sf Woman, female. 2 Wife. Thus declined, Indefinite....an còrr |
beus -a, -an, sf Moral qualities or manners, whether good or bad, virtue. 2 Behaviour, deeds, cust...an còrr |
buadh -aidh, pl. -an & -annan, genpl buadh, sf Virtue, excellence. 2 Palm. 3 Endo...an còrr |
deagh-ghean -a, sm Good will, favour. 2 Benevolence. 3 Grace. 4 Good humour, good mood. Deagh-ghean dligh...an còrr |
buil -e, sf Completion, perfection. 2 Consequence, effect, issue, end, conclusion. 3 Success. 4 Ap...an còrr |
dannsair -ean, sm Dancer. Dannsair dubh an uisge, a water-spider; deagh dhannsair, a good da...an còrr |
comharradh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Mark, impression, token, sign. 2 The sexual mark. 3 Banner. 4** Print. 5*...an còrr |
deagh-bholadh -aidh, -aidhean, sm Sweet smell or odour, fragrance. Àileadh deagh-bholaidh, an odour of s...an còrr |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
deagh-mhisneachail -ala, a Of good courage. 2 Confident, bold, hopeful. |
leughadair -ean, sm Reader. Deagh leughadair, a good reader. |
dolaidh sf Harm, loss, injury, damage, defect. 2 Detriment. 3* Mischief. Cuir a dholaidh, ruin, sp...an còrr |
fortan -ain, sm Fortune, luck. Deagh fhortan, good fortune; droch fhortan, bad luck; m...an còrr |
greim gen -reime & -ama, pl. -eanna & gramannan, sm Hold, holding, custody, g...an còrr |
gual -ail, sm Coal. 2 Coal-fire. 3(AC) Grief, consuming by grief as by fire. Deagh theine guail, ...an còrr |
leig pr pt a' leigeil & a' leigeadh, va & n. Permit, allow. 2 Slip, as dogs to the ...an còrr |
misneach -nich, sf [& m]. Courage, spirit, fortitude. 2 Alacrity. 3 Manliness. 4 Cheer. 5 Encourag...an còrr |