Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
dail /dal/ boir. gin. dalach, iol. -thean
dàil /daːl/ boir. gin. dàlach, iol. dàlaichean
1 delay 2 adjournment 3 grace (period of time) 4 space, interval |
dàil /daːl/ boir. gin. dàlach, iol. -ean
1 meeting, tryst 2 assembly, convention |
dàil /daːl/ boir. gin. dàla, iol. -ean
1 agreement, covenant (esp. espousal/betrothal) 2 condition, circumstance 3 history |
dàil /daːl/ boir. gin. dàlach
1 (act of) bestowing, granting 2 (act of) dispensing (esp. of drink or food) 3 dispensation (esp. of drink or food) |
Dail ainm-àite
dàil /daːl/ boir. gin. dàlach, iol. -ean
portion, share ( obsolete) |
dail /dal/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
gun dàil immediately, without delay |
dail-chuach boir. gin. -chuaiche, iol. -an
violet, pansy (genus viola) |
an dàil roi. gin. ('nam/'nad/'na dhàil, 'na/'nar/'nur/'nan dàil)
1 against, in opposition to 2 near to 3 towards meeting |
An Dail  ainm-àite boir. gin. na Dalach
1 The Dell (Highld) 2 The Dell (P&K) 3 Doll (Highld) |
far am bi dàil, bidh dearmad delaying/dithering leads to oversight |
dail-choirce boir. gin. dalach-coirce, iol. -thean-coirce
dàil sia mìosan six months credit |
cuir dàil ann an rud 1 defer/postpone something! 2 suspend something! |
Gleann Dail ainm-àite
1 Glendale (Highld) 2 Glendale (W Isls) 3 Glendale (NS; Canada) |
rach ann an dàil Chaluim get in contact/touch with Calum! |
Dail Chuinnidh ainm-àite
Dail Mhàilidh ainm-àite
ruigidh dàil doras you cannot escape debt (fig.) |
Dail bho Dheas ainm-àite
An Dail Mór ainm-àite fir. gin. an Dail Mhóir
1 Dalmore (W Isls) 2 Dalmore (Highld) 3 Delmore (Moray) 4 Mar Lodge (Abers) |
Dàil na Bile ainm-àite
Corriechoille (old name; Highld) |
Dail Eildhe ainm-àite
Toraidhean Dwelly
dail dalach, -lthean, sf Field, dale, meadow, plain. |
dàil dàlach, dàlaichean, sf Delay, procrastination. 2 Meeting, convention, congress. 3 Attempt. 4 ...an còrr |
dail (CR) sf Haugh or low-lying land by a stream. 2 Lot. Cluain an domhain truagh an dail, the ...an còrr |
dail -e, -ean, sf Kind of wooden collar for cattle. 2 Stall-halter for a cow. |
dàil † sf Portion, share. 2 Tribe. |
dail va see dailich. |
dàil sf Thréig an dàil mi gu Là Luain, the tryst has left me for ever. R. 18. |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
dèan v. irreg. Do, make, act, work, perform. 2* Suppose, imagine, think. Conjugated thus - ...an còrr |
dearmad -aid, -an, sm Omission, negligence, neglect, forgetfulness. 2 Inattention, slight. 3(MS) Vaca...an còrr |
rach def. v Go, proceed, move, travel, walk. Active Voice: IND past ch...an còrr |
tuiteamas -ais, sm Contingence, chance, incidence. 2 Fall 3 O...an còrr |
dala see dara. An dala, the one of two. †2 see dàil. †3 adv As to, as for. 4 ...an còrr |
an dàil prep Against, as a foe. 2 Searching for, in the track of. 3‡‡ To meet. |
an dàil ‡‡ adv Near to. |
dail-bhuntàta sf Potato-field. Cha reic e a dhail-bhuntàta air a tarsainn, he will not sell his potato-f...an còrr |
dail-chatha pl. dailthean-catha, sf Pitched-battle. 2 Battlefield. |
dail-chuach § -an, sm Dog-violet — viola canina. ...an còrr |
dailthean n pl of dail. |
dàl † see dàil. |
dàla gen sing of dàil. |
dàlach gen of dàil. |
sail-chuach -aich, -an, sf Dog violet (viola riviniana), see dail-chuach. 2** Pansy (viola tric...an còrr |
sonnach -aich, sm Palisade. 2 Peg, thick peg. 3 Stout, ill-shaped person. 4 Castle, fortress. 5 Wall....an còrr |