Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
cuip -e, pl. -ean & -eachan, sf Whip. 2 Stratagem, deceit. 3** Foam, froth. [** gives c...an còrr |
cuip gen sing of cop. |
cuip pr pt a' cuipeadh, va Whip, flog, lash. |
cop -oip, (cuip) sm Foam, froth, spume. 2** Boss of a shield. A chraos fo chop, his mouth foam...an còrr |
cuipeachan n pl of cuip. |
cuip-gheal -ile, a Foamy, white with foam. Muir chuip-gheal, a foaming sea. |
gath-cuip -e, -an-cuip, sm Medical tent, roll put into a wound. |