Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
creag -eige, -an, sf Rock, crag. 2 Cliff, 3 Precipice. 4 Quarry. 5 Hill. Taobh na creige, the si...an còrr |
aonaran -ain, -ranan, sm Recluse, hermit, solitary person. 2 Forsaken person, ascetic. Aonaran liath ...an còrr |
baintighearna -an, sf Lady. 2 Wife of a baronet or knight. 3 Gentlewoman. Dr. Watson has not met baintig...an còrr |
calman nan creag sm Rock-dove {columba livia}, see smùdan. |
creach creiche, -an, sf Plunder, booty, pillage. 2 Ruin, devastation. 3‡‡ Host, army. 4† for ...an còrr |
creamh nan creag sm Rocambole, (lit. rock garlic) — allium scolodoprasum. ...an còrr |
dùthchas -ais, sm Place of one's birth. 2 Heredity, native or hereditary temper, spirit or blood. 3** ...an còrr |
mac-talla sm Echo. (lit. son of the rock), also mac-talla nan creag. |
seileachan § -ain, sm Mountain willow (salix arbuscula). The older name eilig was retained...an còrr |
sglèat -a, -an, sm Slate. Creag sglèata, a slate-quarry. |
sluagh-ghairm -e, -ean, sf Signal for a gathering among the Highland clans. Every clan and many districts h...an còrr |
talla -chan, sm Hall. 2** How. 3** Court. 4** Rock. 5** Cleft of a rock. 6** Tower. Talla nan sian,...an còrr |
dealan-dé -ain-, sm Butterfly. [Butterflies are very frequently confounded with moths, which are a diff...an còrr |
crag -aige, -an, see creag. |
craig see creag. |
creagan -ain, -an, sm dim of creag. Little rock, rocky place. 2 n pl of creag, rocks, ...an còrr |
creag-shalann ** -ainn, sf Saltpetre, nitre. Air chreag-shalann, on nitre. |
creag-ùillidh ** sm Petroleum. |
creig dat. sing of creag. [Used provincially as the nom]. |
creige gen sing of creag. |
creug see creag. |
gòbhlan nan creag ¶ sm Alpine swift, see gòbhlan-monaidh. |
ola nan creag sf “Rock-oil,” an ointment made from a thin film obtained on rocks by the sea and...an còrr |
raineach nan creag § sf Polypody (polypodium spp). see clach-raineach. |