Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
cleith /kleh/ gn. ag. -eadh
cleith /kleh/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 (act of) concealing, hiding 2 concealment, hiding place 3 secrecy |
cleith /kleh/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
cliath /kliə/ boir. gin. cléithe, iol. -an
1 grid, lattice 2 grate, grating 3 shoal (of fish) 4 hurdle 5 harrow 6 worm (in whisky-making) 7 stockade 8 waulking board 9 stave, staff (in music) 10 series of three freak/rogue waves |
ceil /kʲel/ gn. ag. cleith
cliabh /kliəv/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cléibh
1 basket 2 creel 3 pannier 4 ribcage 5 straightjacket |
cliath-luaidh boir. gin. cléithe-luaidh, iol. -an-luaidh
cliath-chliathta boir. gin. cléithe-cliathta, iol. -an-cliathta
cliath-dhealg /kliəˈʝaLag/ boir. iol. -an-dhealg
cleith-sheanchair fir. neo-ath.
1 rickety old thing 2 decrepit person |
tinneas-cléibh fir. gin. -eis-chléibh
tuberculosis (consumption) |
a' cleith a' bhainne not letting down the milk |
tha an cleith-sheanchain seo a' tuiteam ás a chéile this rickety old thing is falling apart |
A' Chleith Mhór ainm-àite boir. gin. na Cleithe Móire
cliar Sheanchain /kliər hɛnaxɪNʲ/ 1 group of travelling entertainers/performers (in history) 2 rickety old thing 3 decrepit person |
cleith-sheanchain /kleˈhɛnaxɪNʲ/ fir. neo-ath.
1 rickety old thing 2 decrepit person |
cliath-lorgaidh boir. gin. cléithe-lorgaidh, iol. -an-lorgaidh
cleith an dragh hide your discomfort! |
cliath-uinneige boir. gin. cléith-uinneige, iol. -an-uinneige
cliath-theine boir. gin. cléithe-teine, iol. -an-teine
cliath-chòmhraig boir. gin. cléithe-còmhraig, iol. -an-còmhraig
chan eil cleith air an olc ach gun a dhèanamh the only way to conceal evil is not to commit it |
cleith iris o do phàrantan hide a magazine from your parents! |
cùm an Delorean an cleith orra keep the Delorean hidden from them! |
cliar Sheanchair /kleˈhɛnaxɪrʲ/ 1 group of travelling entertainers/performers (in history) 2 rickety old thing |
Toraidhean Dwelly
cleith -e, -ean, sf & m. Stake 2 Goad. 3 Oar. 4 Roof. 5 Post. 6** Residence. 7** Concealm...an còrr |
cléith dat. of cliath. |
cleith va see ceil. |
ceil pr pt a' cleith [a' ceileadh, a' ceilteadh, a' ceilteachadh, & a' ceiltinn,] va Co...an còrr |
cliath gen cléithe, dat. cléith, npl cliathan [& cleith] dat. pl. cliathaib...an còrr |
poit-dhubh (a' phoit-dhubh), sf The “sma'” still. We are indebted to DMK for the following names of its ...an còrr |
ceilt-inntinn -e, see cleith-inntinn. |
cill-inntinn sf see cleith-inntinn. |
cleath sm see cleith. †2 Prince chieftain. |
cleath (for cleith) pr pt of ceil. |
cleidh † (AC) s. Cot. (cleith) |
cleithe pr pt of cleith. |
cleith-inntinn sf Mental reservation, dissimulation. |
cleith-luaidh see cleith-luathaidh. |
cléith-luathaidh (AC) dat. sing of cliath-luathaidh. |
cleith-mhiosgais sf Private grudge. |