Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
cinn /kʲĩːNʲ/  gn. ag. -tinn
1 grow! 2 increase, multiply! 3 prosper, thrive! |
ceann /kʲauN/  fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn
1 head 2 end, close, finish 3 lid 4 roof 5 subject, topic |
airgead-cinn  fir. gin. -gid-chinn
ceann-fìnid fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-fhìnid
1 consummation 2 culmination 3 finish, conclusion, finale |
cas-chinn boir. gin. coise-cinn, iol. -an-cinn
ceann-stàite fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-stàite
ceann-teagaisg fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-theagaisg
subject (in education, religion) |
ceann-ama fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-ama
ceann-fiodha fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-fhiodha
ceann-iùil fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-iùil
ceann-pìoba fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-phìoba
clach-chinn boir. gin. cloiche-cinn, iol. -an-cinn
1 headstone, gravestone (upright) 2 copestone |
fàd-cinn fir. gin. ⁊ iol. fòid-chinn
(single) top peat (usually with bits of vegetation still attached) |
cùl-cinn fir. neo-ath.
outrun, rough common grazing |
ceann-gnothaich fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-ghnothaich
ceann-turais fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-thurais
ceann-sgura fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-sgura
1 end 2 full stop 3 turn(around) (of furrow) |
laoighceann /LɤiçgʲəN/ fir. gin. -cinn, iol. -an
dummy, Tulachan-calf (stuffed calf skin to encourage cow of a dead calf to letdown) |
ceann-labhairt fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-labhairt
topic of discussion/conversation |
iomair-chinn boir. gin. -e-cinn, iol. -ean-cinn
ceann-cuilbh fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-chuilbh
ceann-bliadhna fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-bhliadhna
1 date (year) 2 birthday 3 anniversary |
ceann-céille fir. gin. cinn-chéille
1 rudder, helm 2 adviser 3 radical (in Chinese scripts) |
ceann-simid fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cinn-shimid
mòine-chinn boir. gin. mòna-cinn
top peat (usually with bits of vegetation still attached) |
Toraidhean Dwelly
cinn pr pt a' cinntinn, vn Grow, increase, become greater or more numerous, multiply, sprin...an còrr |
cinn gen sing & npl. of ceann. |
ceann cinn, sm Head. 2 Point. 3 Hilt. 4 Top. 5 End. 6 Chief, commander. 7 Headland, promontory. 8 E...an còrr |
àbhachdach –aiche, a Humorous, merry, joyful, joyous, jolly. 2** Corpulent. 3** Inclined to gibe, ...an còrr |
ceann-suidhe cinn-shuidhe, sm President. |
ceann-feadhna cinn-fheadhna, sm Chief. 2 Captain, leader, commander, general. |
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
ceann-uidhe cinn-uidhe, sm End of a journey, goal, terminus, destination. 2 Hospitable landlord. 3 Dwelli...an còrr |
ceann-suic -e, cinn-shuic, sm Share-beam, the part of a plough to which the share is fixed. |
cùl-cinn (DC) sm Outrun, common grazing ground of a township — Uist. 2(AH) Oats or...an còrr |
maolaich pr pt a' maolachadh, va & n. Blunt. 2 Make bald or bare. 3 Become so...an còrr |
seòl siùil, siùil, sm Sail. 2** Ship. Bràigh-sheòl, a topsail; chunnaic sinn ...an còrr |
sùgh -a & -ùigh, pl. -an, sm Juice, sap, moisture. 2 Sense, meaning. 3 Wave, billow. 4 ...an còrr |
t- so called euphonic, (once part of the article) is used (1) between the article and a masculin...an còrr |
tog pr pt a' togail, va Lift, raise, rear 2 Build. 3 Brew, distil. 4 Carry. 5 Take away. 6...an còrr |
tonn tuinn & tuinne, pl tuinn, tonna & tonnan, sm Wave, surge, billow 2* Splash. 3 ...an còrr |
fuiltean -ein, pl. -eana & -eine, sm Single hair. 2 Quoif, coif. 3 Snood. 4** The hair of t...an còrr |
ceann-fàth ceann-fàtha [& cinn-fhàth] sm see cion-fàth. |
ceann-feachd cinn-fheachd, sm see ceann-feadhna 2. |
ceann-bheart -bheairt, pl. -an [cinn-bheairt & cinn-bheartan,] sm Helmet, head-piece. |
ceann-fine cinn-fhine, sm Chieftain, head of a clan, chief. Chaill iad ceann-fine no dhà, they lost a...an còrr |
ceann-iùil cinn-, sm Guide, leader of the way. 2** Chieftain. 3 Grieve. |
ceann-muinchill ‡‡ cinn-mhuinichill, sm Cuff. |
ceann-phort pl. cinn-phuirt, sm ‡‡ Founder, author. 2 Director of a choir. |
ceann-ràcain cinn-ràcainn, sm Rake-head. 2 prov. Small portion of land. |