Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
car /kar/ co-ghn.
car /kar/ roi. gin.
car /kar/ fir. gin. cuir, iol. -an
1 bend, spin, turn, twist 2 trick, fraud 3 movement 4 small bit 5 job, task |
càr /kaːr/  fir. iol. -aichean
càr /kaːr/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. càir
càr /kaːr/ bua. coi. càire
1 friendly 2 related 3 (as prex.) friend- |
car /kar/ gn. ag. -adh
car /kar/ gn. ag. -radh
move, stir, shift, budge! |
thoir an car á Màiri fool Màiri! |
càr-aingeal fir. gin. -aingil, iol. -ainglean
an car roi. ('nam/'nad/'na char, 'na/'nar/'nur/'nan car)
1 beside 2 near 3 in contact with 4 someone's way, in someone's direction |
carson? /kaRˈsɔn/ co-ghn. neo-ath.
càr-dealain fir. iol. -aichean-dealain
càr-réisidh fir. iol. -aichean-réisidh
cuir car (ann) an cabar toss a caber! |
an car a bhios san t-seann-mhaide, is duilich a thoirt ás  you can't teach an old dog new tricks, old habits die hard (fig.) |
cuir car dhìot get a move on, move/shift (yourself), move it! |
car mu char rolling (over and over), trundling |
gabh beachd air càr take a look at/investigate a car! |
conachag /kɔnəxag/ boir. gin. -aige, iol. -an
1 horn (in general, e.g. foghorn, car horn, claxon, siren) 2 conch (in the sense of shell trumpet, not a biological species) |
bha car 'na ghlùinean  he was knock-kneed |
cuir car dhìot fhéin roll over! |
thoir car mu chnoc do Chalum give Calum the slip, dodge Calum! |
car a' mhuiltein 1 head over heels, tumbling 2 somersault 3 tumbler (glass) |
thoir car á Màiri cheat/deceive/trick Màiri! |
Toraidhean Dwelly
car cuir, sm Twist, bend, turn. 2 Winding, meandering, as of a stream. 3 Trick, fraud. 4 Way, cou...an còrr |
car prep. During, for, whilst, near about, in reference to time. Car tiota, for a moment; ...an còrr |
car (G) va & n Double upon, trick. Char a' mhaigheach sinn, the hare doubled...an còrr |
càr -àir, sm Friend. 2 Relation. 3* Mossy plain, fen. Mar chanach càr, like the moss cotton ; ...an còrr |
càr † sm Cart, car, raft for carrying things on, 2 see càrr. |
car ** a see carach. |
càr † sm Care. 2 Jaw. 3 Fish. 4 Stone. 6** Scab, mange, itch. 6** Chariot. |
car † a Brittle. |
càr càire, a 1st comp càra, Friendly. 2 Related to. |
car adv Car anmoch, somewhat late. |
ás prep Out of, from out. [Ás drops the s when followed by a consonant]. á taigh na daors...an còrr |
boile sf ind Madness, rage, fury, passion, frenzy. 2 see buil. Car son a ghabh na cinnich boile? ...an còrr |
car-tuathal -ail, sm Wrong turn. 2 Turn to the left or contrary to the sun's course.3 Ill-chance, mishap....an còrr |
car fada adv Rather long. |
càrn càirn [& cùirn], sm Cairn, heap or pile of stones loosely thrown together. 2 Peat-barrow....an còrr |
caraich pr pt a' carachadh & a' carachdainn, va Move, stir. 2 Remove. 3 see car. Na caraic...an còrr |
cóig a Five. Car nan cóig cuairt, the turn of the five circuits; cóig air fhichead,...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
cor gen [cor, coir &] cuir, sm Condition, state, situation, circumstance. 2 Method, ma...an còrr |
crann [-ainn &] -oinn sm Plough. 2 Bar, bolt. 3 Tree. 4 Beam. 5 Mast. 6 Shaft. 7 Lot. 8 Measure...an còrr |
cuairt -e, -ean, sf Circle, circuit, cycle, zone, circumference. 2 Circulation. 3 Bound. 4 Expeditio...an còrr |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
leig pr pt a' leigeil & a' leigeadh, va & n. Permit, allow. 2 Slip, as dogs to the ...an còrr |
muileann -inn, pl. -an & muilnean, sm Mill. Air cùl a' mhuilinn, behind the mill. Al...an còrr |
obair oibre, pl. obraichean & oibrichean, sf Work, labour, process of working. The genit...an còrr |