Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
càith * gen càtha, sf "Seeds," husks of corn. †2 Chaff. 3† Blemish. ...an còrr |
caith ** sm Pudendum virile {male genitals, penis}. |
caith † a see caidh. |
càith † va Winnow, sift. |
caith va Eat. |
caith pr pt a' caitheamh & caitheadh, vn & a Spend, wear, consume, exhaust. 2...an còrr |
caitheamh -eimh, sm Spending, consuming. 2 Wasting. 3 Casting, putting, shooting. 4** Extravagance. A' ...an còrr |
caithte past. pt of caith. Spent, wasted, exhausted, squandered. 2 a Lean, lank. |
meal pr pt a' mealtainn & a' mealadh, va Possess. 2 Enjoy. 3** Suffer, brook. Gum meal ...an còrr |
ùine sf ind Time, a time, season. 2 Life, lifetime. 3 Interval, leisure. Ùine thrì làithean, th...an còrr |
ana-caith * va Squander, waste, be profuse or prodigal. |
an-chaith see ana-caith. |
caite a & past part of caith, (for caithte). |
caith-bheart -eirt, -an, sf Battle-armour. |
caith-bhràghad s. King's evil — Arran. |
caithear fut pass of caith. |
caith-mhìleadh -idh, -ean, sm Soldier, warrior. |
chaith past aff. of caith. |
chaitheas fut. subj. of caith. (That) shall or will consume. |
fàl-ni ** sm Trifle, trifling matter. Air fàl-ni na caith do chuid, do not waste your substance o...an còrr |
ath-aodach The following is said to a person who has got on a new suit or article of clothing: Meal is caith e,...an còrr |
càith-sgioladh s Chaff. Arran. |