Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
cùm /kuːm ~ kumal/  gn. ag. cumail
1 keep, hold, retain! 2 withold! 3 celebrate, observe! |
cùm /kuːm ~ kɯim/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. cuim
cùm /kuːm ~ kuməɣ/ gn. ag. cumadh
cùm romhad 1 keep on (walking)! 2 keep on your course! (nautical) |
cùm do shròn a-mach ás! keep your nose out of it! |
cùm a-mach 1 hold out! 2 maintain, claim! 3 stay out! 4 keep out! |
cùm cluas ri claisneachd airson… listen out for…! |
cùm suas ri Calum 1 keep up with Calum! 2 keep in touch with Calum! |
cùm do chliut! stay your hand, don't hit me! |
cùm fo chois keep in check, control! (fig.) |
cùm ann an co-luadar stay in touch |
cùm agad pull astern, back water! |
cùm do theanga hold your tongue, be quiet! |
cùm comann ris keep him company! |
(an) cnatan /krãhdan/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. -ain
1 cold (illness) 2 cum, jiz(m) |
cùm fodha 1 suppress! 2 pull astern, back water! |
cùm am falach oirre keep hidden from her! |
cùm ceann a' mhaide ri Màiri 1 oppose Màiri! 2 confront/stand up to Màiri! |
cùm rithe pull (ahead)! (nautical) |
cùm an teine keep the fire! |
cùm air falbh 1 stay away! 2 keep away, stave off! |
cùm faire air crodh watch cattle, keep watch over cattle! |
cùm ris na h-aon fhaclan stick to your story! (fig.) |
cùm greim teann air keep a tight grip on it! |
cùm agad fhéin keep to yourself! |
Toraidhean Dwelly
cùm pr pt a' cumail, va Keep, hold, withhold, retain. 2 Restrain. 3 Observe, celebrate, as...an còrr |
cùm see chùm. |
cùm pr pt a' cumadh, va Frame, shape, form. 2‡‡ Compose. |
cùm † -uim, see còm. |
cùm -a, sm Battle, fight, duel. |
aig prep At, near, close by. 2 In possession. 3 On account of. 4 For. 5 On. Is mór agam sin, I...an còrr |
beachd -a, -an, sm Notice, attention, observation, perception. 2 Feeling. 3 Ambition. 4 Idea, concep...an còrr |
cailleach an dùdain (lit. carlin of the milldust) AC Curious character dance, described as follows in Carmina Gadelic...an còrr |
céile sm & f Spouse. 2 Husband. 3 Wife. 4 Equal, match. 5 Servant. Athair céile, a father-in...an còrr |
fodha prep pron (fo + e) Under him or it, below him or it. 2 Under his command. Tha an latha a' bra...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
cumail cumalach, sf Holding, witholding, restraining, refraining. 2 Act of observing or celebrating....an còrr |
conaltradh -aidh, sm Conversation. 2 Company. Cùm conaltradh, keep company; 'na chonaltradh, i...an còrr |
cothrom -uim, -an, sm Equipoise, equilibrium. 2 Weight, any certain weight. 3 Justice, equal terms, a...an còrr |
cuimhne sf ind Memory, remembrance, recollection. 2** Record, memorial. An cuimhne leat? do you re...an còrr |
cùl -ùil, -ùiltean, sm Back of anything. 2 Hinder part, not the front. 3 Hair of the head. 4 Afte...an còrr |
cumadh -aidh, sm Shape, figure, form, proportion, pattern. 2 Shaping. 3 Act of shaping, framing or f...an còrr |
dànadas -ais, sm Assurance, presumption, audacity, boldness. 2 Familiarity. 3‡‡ Security. Agus mar an...an còrr |
faire sf Watching, watchfulness. 2 Watch (division of time). 3 Watch, sentinel, guard. 4* Attention...an còrr |
féill -e, -ean & -tean, sf Feast, festival. 2 Fair, market. 3 Holiday. 4** Vigil of a festival....an còrr |
fuaradh -aidh, sm The windward or weather side. 2 Blast. 3 Cooling breeze. 4 Draught, as from a door ...an còrr |
làmh làimh (gen. làimheach in Skye), pl. -an, sf Hand. 2 Arm. 3 Handle of a t...an còrr |
làthair -e, sf Presence, existence, company, sight. †2 Victory. Na tig an làthair, do not present ...an còrr |
leig pr pt a' leigeil & a' leigeadh, va & n. Permit, allow. 2 Slip, as dogs to the ...an còrr |
smachd sm ind Authority, control, rule, discipline, subjection, command. 2 Awe. 3 Reproof, correctio...an còrr |