Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
càise /kaːʃə/  fir. iol. -an
caise /kaʃə/ boir. neo-ath.
1 impetuosity, shortness of temper 2 fold, wrinkle 3 haste |
mulachag-chàise boir. gin. -aige-càise, iol. -an-càise
truckle of cheese, whole cheese |
caise gorm blue cheese |
cnag càise a lump of cheese |
thill mi 's cùl-càise ri grodag I came back from from a wasted journey, I returned from a wild goose chase (fig.) |
cùl-càise fir. gin. cùil-chàise, iol. cùiltean-càise
mulachan càise cheese truckle/wheel, kebbock |
bréid-càise fir. gin. -e-càise, iol. -ean-càise
pìos càise cheese sandwich |
càise-Callainn fir. iol. -an-Callainn
tha sgàig agam air càise gorm I find blue cheese revolting |
cas /kas/  bua. coi. caise
1 steep 2 rapid, sudden 3 hasty, headlong, impetuous, rash 4 fast-flowing, precipitous 5 irritable, quick-tempered |
caise srutha strongest part of a current |
cha dèan corrag mhilis ìm is cha dèan glutaire càise a person with a sweet tooth/glutton will eat all before it's ready (to be served; fig.) |
caob càise lump/hunk of cheese |
cuir càise suarach despise cheese! |
càise an radain mushroom, toadstool |
gabh a' chaise become irritated! |
thoir sùil tro laomachan càise look through (the hole in) a slice of cheese! (method of divination) |
cha digeadh blas càise air a h-uile duine not everyone likes the taste of cheese |
cuir a' chaise air Màiri make Màiri furious! |
cuir caise air Màiri annoy Mary! |
ma chreideas tu na chluinneas chan eil sa ghealach ach càise don't believe everything you hear (fig.) |
sgonn càise chunk of cheese |
Toraidhean Dwelly
càise sm ind Cheese. Pailteas de ìm is de chàise, plenty of butter and cheese. |
caise comp of a cas. More or most steep or rapid. |
caise sf ind Impetuosity, shortness of temper, passion. 2 Stream of water. 3 Wrinkle, fold. ...an còrr |
cas caise, a Steep. 2 Wreathed, curled, twisted. 3 Sudden, quick, rapid 4 Hasty, irritable...an còrr |
cuidheall-shnìomha gen cuidhle-, sf Spinning-wheel. Parts of a spinning-wheel: 1 Tei...an còrr |
dìol -a, sm Recompense, satisfaction, retribution. 2 Reward, pay, hire. 3 Satiety, sufficiency. 4 ...an còrr |
fiach féich, fiachan, sm Value, price, worth. 2** Hire. 3 pl Debt, arrears. Fiach shia sgill...an còrr |
sgapadh -aidh, sm Scattering, act of scattering, dispersing, spreading or routing, dispersion. 2* Hac...an còrr |
catalach sm Sleepy person. Nuair a théid crodh a' bhaile dìosg, san ann a nì catalach càise, not un...an còrr |
cùlan-càise sm Small crust of cheese — (Fionn) |
cùl-càise (WC) sm Rind of a cheese. Cha do thachair a leithid bho latha a' chùl-chàise, the like did...an còrr |
fìneagach -aiche, a Abounding in mites. 2 Miserly, niggardly. 3 Full of crowberries. Càise fìnea...an còrr |
clàr-càise (DC) sm A slice of cheese. |