Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
bun /bun/ fir. gin. buin, iol. -an
1 base, basis, bottom, foot 2 derivation, origin, source 3 butt, stub, stump 4 mouth (of a river) 5 ( pl.) stubble |
bun-nòta fir. iol. -ichean
bun-tùs a' chòd source code |
bun-loidhne boir. iol. -nichean
bun-taic boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
bun-crainn (bun a' chrainn) fir. gin. buin-chrainn, iol. -an-crainn
bun-sgil fir. iol. -ean
bun-ìre boir. iol. -ean
1 basic level 2 positive (in linguistics, i.e. citation form of an adjective) |
bun-bheachd fir. iol. -an
bun na h-ursainn /bun nə huRsɪNʲ/ sill |
bun-sgoil /bunsgɔl/  boir. gin. -e, iol. -tean
primary school, elementary school |
Bun-àm Àisia an Ear-dheas South-East Asia Standard Time |
Bun Easain ainm-àite
nàbaidh bun (an) dorais next door neighbour |
bun na h-aibhne the mouth of the river |
bun-phrìs boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
minimum price, minimum pricing |
ach 's e bun a bh' ann but here's what happened |
bun-riatanas fir. gin. -ais, iol. -an
bun os cionn /bun ɔs kʲũːN/ co-ghn.
1 upside-down, head over heels 2 topsy-turvy |
bun-reachd fir. iol. -an
nàbaidh bun na h-ursann next-door neighbour |
bun-cluaise (bun na cluaise) fir. gin. buin-chluaise, iol. -an-cluaise
bun nam fead index/pointer/trigger finger |
bun-reachdail /bunrɛxgal/ bua. coi. -e
Bun Leòdhais ainm-àite
Toraidhean Dwelly
bun pl. buin & bunan, sm Root, stock, stump. 2 Bottom, base, foundation, foot. 3 Socke...an còrr |
bun (AK) sm Northern diver, see muir-bhuachaill. |
teanga gen & dat. teangaidh, pl. -n & -nnan, sf Tongue. 2 Speech, dialect. 3* ...an còrr |
bàrr -a, sm Top, uppermost part of anything. 2 Point, as of a weapon or shoe. 3 Crop of grain, gra...an còrr |
buin pr pt a' buntainn, va & n. Belong to. 2 Interfere, meddle with. 3 Treat with, dea...an còrr |
bun os ceann adv Upside down, topsy-turvy. |
bun os cionn see bun os ceann. |
caora sf irreg. Sheep. 2 (in derision) Sheepish person. Declined thus: — ...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
dèan v. irreg. Do, make, act, work, perform. 2* Suppose, imagine, think. Conjugated thus - ...an còrr |
earball -aill, sm Tail. 2* Ludicrous name for the train of a dress. Earball an eich, paddock-pipe,...an còrr |
fàireag -eig, -an, sf Gland, hard lump between flesh and skin. 2 Wax-kernel. 3** Hump. 4** Hillock. 6...an còrr |
fàrdach -aich, -aichean, sf House, dwelling, lodgings, quarters, mansion, hearth, home. Fàrdach oidhc...an còrr |
freumh -a, -an [& -aichean], sm Root, stem, stock. 2 Lineage. 3 rarely Sound sleep. Spìon...an còrr |
stùc -ùic, pl. -an & -annan, sf Little hill jutting out from a greater, steep on one si...an còrr |
taigh -e, -ean, sm House. 'S e 'ainm aoibhneach taigh na féile, its joyful name is the house of ...an còrr |
tom tuim, pl -an & -annan, sm Round hillock or knoll, rising ground, swell, green emin...an còrr |
coimhearsnach -ich, sm Neighbour. Coimhearsnach bun an dorais, or coimhearsnach na h-ursainn, the...an còrr |
bun-dearg (AC) sm Red swelling (disease in cattle). |
bun-dubh -uibh, sm That part of a root which is underground and comes up by pulling. 2 Lowest tiers of...an còrr |
bun-feam (AC) see bun-feann. |
bun-feamainn see bun-feann. |
bun-feann sm Tail, root of the rump. |
bun-feòir sm Hay-stubble, orts. |
bun-fhàth -a, sm Primary cause. |