Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
buin /buNʲ/ gn. ag. buntainn
1 belong, pertain! 2 be related! 3 interfere, meddle! |
bun /bun/ fir. gin. buin, iol. -an
1 base, basis, bottom, foot 2 derivation, origin, source 3 butt, stub, stump 4 mouth (of a river) 5 ( pl.) stubble |
an rud nach buin dhut na buin dha  mind your own business, don't meddle in things that don't concern you! |
chan eil rian air nach buin e sin do mhuinntir Alasdair he has got to be related to Alasdair's folk |
bun-dubh /bunˈdu/ fir. gin. buin-dhuibh, iol. -an-dubha
(underground) root, often specfically bracken root used for thatching |
bun-léine fir. gin. buin-léine, iol. -an-léine
bun-sgeòil fir. gin. buin-sgeòil, iol. -an-sgeòil
source, provenance (of information) |
bun-crainn (bun a' chrainn) fir. gin. buin-chrainn, iol. -an-crainn
bun-craoibhe fir. gin. buin-chraoibhe, iol. -an-craoibhe
bun-dearg fir. gin. buin-dheirg
red water (bacillary haemoglobinuria) |
bun-dùirn (bun do dhùirn) fir. gin. buin-dhùirn, iol. -an-dùirn
bun-sgòtha fir. gin. buin-sgòtha
bun-cluaise (bun na cluaise) fir. gin. buin-chluaise, iol. -an-cluaise
tìr nach buin do neach no man's land |
buin ris a' chogadh ann an òraid-fhosglaidh touch upon the war in an opening speech! |
buin do shliochd na h-Éireann belong to the Irish diaspora! |
buin ri do chas dheas le do làimh chlì touch your right foot with your left hand! |
buin ri nàisean 1 pertain, belong to a nation! 2 be related to a nation! 3 apply to a nation! |
buin do pheinnseanairean 1 belong to pensioners! 2 concern pensioners! |
na buin ri feòil abstain from meat! |
bun-dearg fir. gin. buin-dheirg, iol. -an-dearga
(underground) root, often specfically bracken root used for thatching |
cha do bhuin mi do shreath Eanraig I wasn't part of Henry's (social) circle |
bun-aibhne fir. gin. buin-aibhne, iol. -an-aibhne
river source, source of a river |
an neach do am buin a' chùis to whom it may concern |
buin ri 1 deal with, be concerned with! 2 touch, meddle with! 3 pertain/belong to! 4 be relevant to! |
Toraidhean Dwelly
buin pr pt a' buntainn, va & n. Belong to. 2 Interfere, meddle with. 3 Treat with, dea...an còrr |
buntainn (a') pr pt of buin. Belonging to, meddling with, touching, taking away. 2†† Dea...an còrr |
bun pl. buin & bunan, sm Root, stock, stump. 2 Bottom, base, foundation, foot. 3 Socke...an còrr |
mìn -e, a. Soft, delicate, tender. 2 Smooth, not rough. 3 Level, of even surface. 4 Mild, meek, g...an còrr |
rud -uid, -an, sm Thing, matter, affair, business, circumstance. 2 Small quantity of anything. 3 ...an còrr |
buinidh fut. aff. act. of buin. Shall or will belong, &c. |