Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
brìgh /brʲiː/  boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
1 essence, gist, matter, pith, purport, substance 2 meaning, sense, significance 3 point (of an argument) 4 energy, force 5 juice |
chan eil brìgh sam bith a bhith ag gearan there is no point in complaining |
brìgh nan craobh (red/European) raspberry (rubus idaeus) |
brìgh a' ghaoil the essence of love |
chaill na h-ùbhlan am brìgh the apples lost their juice/dried up |
chan eil brìgh sam bith a bhith 'ga bhualadh agad there is no point in you beating it |
thoir brìgh á bruadar interpret a dream! |
saoil am biodh brìgh sam bith càr a cheannach? do you think there would be any point in buying a car? |
gu dé 's brìgh dha? what's the reason for it? |
neach-brìgh fir. iol. luchd-brìgh
brìgh an sgeòil the essence of the story |
brìgh-tharraing boir. iol. -ean
brìgh ceiste gist of a question |
brìgh feallsanachd Xenophilus the essence of Xenophilus' philosophy |
brìgh na h-aithisg the substance of the report |
cuir brìgh ann 1 put meaning into it! 2 energise! |
's e brìgh an sgeòil gur e dearmad a bha ann in essence, it was neglect |
cùis nas lugha brìgh a less important issue, a secondary matter |
Toraidhean Dwelly
brìgh sf Essence. 2 Substance. 3 Wealth. 4 Sap, juice, pith. 5 Elixir. 6 Vigour. 7 Strength, virtu...an còrr |
ceart ceirt, sm Right, justice. 2 Propriety. 3** Righteousness. 4** Redress. Agus rinn e an ceart, ...an còrr |
laodhan ‡ -ain, sm Heart of a tree. 2 Pith of wood. 3 Pulp, as of potatoes, wood, &c. 4** ...an còrr |
deacair -e, a Difficult, hard, abstruse. 2 Sad, mournful, grievous. 3 Surly, gloomy. 4 Sorry, ...an còrr |
bri † sf Auger. 2 Word. 3 Effort. 4 Rising ground. 5 Dignity. 6 Honour. 7 see brìgh. |
brìgh-àrd sf Definition (in gram). |
brìgh-chainnt ** sf Argument. |
brìgh-sgrìobhaidh ** sf Argument. |
brìgh-tharraing sf Abstraction. |
brìogh see brìgh. |
dimbrigh see dì-brìgh. |
's gum And so that. Tog brìgh do chluiche 's gum faighinn a bhith ag imeachd, take the stake of ...an còrr |