Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean Dwelly
bàta -aichean, sm on land f on sea. Boat, pinnace, barge. Fear bàta, a boatman; bàta...an còrr |
bata sm Stick, staff, baton, cudgel, bludgeon. Gabh mo bhata, take my stick; nì thu bataich...an còrr |
bata gen sing of bat. |
bata (CR) sm Abundance. Gu bata is a stronger expression than gu leòir....an còrr |
bata cuilce ‡‡ -aichean-, sm Cane. |
acair acrach, acraichean, sf Anchor. 2(AC) Stone originally one used as an anchor. 3 Acre of land. ...an còrr |
acainn -e, -ean, sf Apparatus, implements, utensils, tackle, tools, appendages of any kind. 2 Salve,...an còrr |
long gen luing & luinge, pl. -an, sf Any kind of ship. 2 Three- or four-masted b...an còrr |
putan -ain, -an, sm Button. 2 Sny or toggle, see bàta, No. 1, p.76. Putan-dùirn, a sleeve button...an còrr |
rach def. v Go, proceed, move, travel, walk. Active Voice: IND past ch...an còrr |
sgealb -eilb, -an, sf Splinter, broken fragment of wood, stone or any hard substance. 2** Cliff. 3**...an còrr |
sgiath -éith & -éithe, pl. -an, sf Wing, pinion. 2 Wing of a house or army. 3 Portion of ...an còrr |
sìneadair sm Stretcher, see bàta, No. 38, p.76. |
siubhal -ail, pl. siùbhlaichean, sm Moving, act of moving or walking. 2 Departing, act of depa...an còrr |
taom va & n. Pour out, bale, as water from a vessel. 2 Empty. 3 Overflow. 4 Shed. 5 Throw wate...an còrr |
slat-shiùil sf Sail yard, gaff, see bàta, H, p.73. |
calpa pl. -an [& -annan] sm Calf of the leg. 2 Pillar. 3 Tier or ply of a rope or cable....an còrr |
cuir pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Ac...an còrr |
culaidh -e, -ean, sf Garment. 2 Suit of clothes, dress, apparel. 3 Accoutrements. 4 Armour. 5 Protect...an còrr |
slige pl. -an & -achan, sf Shell. 2 Scale of a balance. 3* Hull of a vessel. 4†...an còrr |
stoc -uic, sm Stock, trunk, root, stump. 2 Post, pillar. 3 Sounding horn, trumpet. 4 Family, race,...an còrr |
dìonadair -ean, sm Protector, defender. 2 Fender. 3 Fend off, see under bàta, 17—20, p.76. |
bó sf irreg. Cow. 2** rarely fawn. Declined thus: —...an còrr |
brod bruid, brodan, sm Goad. 2 Prickle, sting. 3 Choice of anything. 4 Best quality of grain or of...an còrr |
bròg -òige, brògan, sf Shoe. 2 Hoof 3 By a figure of speech, Foot. 4 Sorrow. 5(DU) Fish-roe...an còrr |