Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly
Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
ar /ar/ gn.
say! (defective, only used as ar leam/leis/leithe/leotha, where it's often translated as think e.g. ar leam methinks) |
àr /aːr/ boir. gin. àire, iol. -an
ar /ar/ bua. coi. aire
ar n- /ər n/ sealbh.
our (drops the n- before a consonant) |
àr /aːr/ fir. neo-ath.
1 (act of) ploughing 2 tillage 3 agriculture |
àr /aːr/ gn. ag. àr
1 plough! 2 till! 3 cultivate! |
àr /aːr/ fir. gin. ⁊ iol. àir
1 battle 2 battlefield 3 slaughter 4 death |
air muin roi. gin. (air mo/do/a mhuin, air a/ar/ur muin, air am muin)
1 on the back of 2 mounted on 3 on (the) top of |
mu dhéidhinn /mə ʝeː.ɪNʲ/ roi. gin.
about, concerning (requires the genitive case) |
ás deòidh /asˈdʲoːj/ roi. gin. (ás mo/do/a dheòidh, ás a/ar/ur/an deòidh)
deich ar fhichead àir.
fa chomhair /fa xõ.ɪrʲ/ roi. gin. (fa mo/do/a chomhair, fa comhair, fa ar/ur/an chomhair)
1 opposite to 2 before, in front of 3 regarding |
air sgàth roi. gin. (air mo/do/a/a/ar/ur/an sgàth)
1 for the sake of, in the interest of (requires the genitive) 2 because of, on account of (requires the genitive) |
air aghaidh roi. (air m'/d' aghaidh, air aghaidh, air a h-aghaidh, air ar/ur n-aghaidh, air an aghaidh)
air mo dhòigh 1 I am happy/content/pleased 2 I am in my element 3 I am well off/comfortable (financially) |
air tòir roi. gin. (air mo/do/a thòir, air a/ar/ur/an tòir)
after, in pursuit/search of |
ar leam gun… methinks that, I think that… |
fa /fa/ roi. neo-ath.
under (used in adverbial expressions only, e.g. fa dheireadh at last) |
àr-fhaich /aːraç/ boir. gin. -e, iol. -ean
battlefield, field of battle |
air beulaibh /ɛrʲ biaLɪv/ roi. gin. (air mo/do/a bheulaibh, air a/ar/ur/am beulaibh)
ás iùnais roi. (ás m'/d' iùnais, ás iùnais, ás a h-iùnais, ás ar/ur n-iùnais, ás an iùnais)
lacking, without, devoid of, in the absence of |
aramach /araməx/ fir. gin. -aich, iol. -an
rebellion, armed uprising |
air dòigh roi. (air mo/do/a dhòigh, air a/ar/ur/an dòigh)
1 in a way/manner/fashion 2 pleased, happy 3 comfortable, well off 4 in order |
ri taobh roi. gin. (ri mo/do thaobh, ri thaobh, ri taobh, ri ar/ur/an taobh)
beside, by the side of, by, next to |
air àrainn roi. gin. (air m'/d' àrainn, air àrainn, air a h-àrainn, air ar/ur n-àrainn, air an àrainn)
1 in the vicinity, near to, in proximity 2 within 3 because of |
Toraidhean Dwelly
àr àir, sm Battle, slaughter. 2 Field of battle. Dàn an àir, the song of battle; na fulai...an còrr |
ar † v see arsa. |
ar † see àra. |
àr sm ind Ploughing, tillage, agriculture, Ag àr, pr pt of àr. Tha e ris àr, he is plo...an còrr |
ar (AC) [? seachd car — CR] — Théid e seachd ar air bean an taighe, he will go seven tim...an còrr |
àr -àir, s Death. Taigh-àir, house of death, used in the sense of lyke wake. |
ar poss pron Our. Ar fearann, our land; ar còmhstri ri daimh †, our batt...an còrr |
ar prep see air. |
àr pr pt ag àr, va Plough, till, cultivate. Bha na daimh ag àr, the oxen were ploughin...an còrr |
ar see ar leam. |
àr (AH) sm Dead wood in stern of boat. [Preceded by the article an t-]. |
ar † a Slow. |
ar † sm Bond, tie, chain. 2 Guiding, conducting. 3 sf Land, earth. |
ùine sf ind Time, a time, season. 2 Life, lifetime. 3 Interval, leisure. Ùine thrì làithean, th...an còrr |
air prep On, upon. 2 Of, concerning. 3 For, on account of. 4 By. 5 With. 6 Also signifying the sa...an còrr |
cianalas -ais, sm Melancholy, sorrow, sadness. 2 Mildness. 3 Dulness, pensiveness. 4** Wearisomeness. ...an còrr |
amhach -aich, -aichean, sf Neck. 2 Collar of bacon. 3 Part of a plough extending from the upper corn...an còrr |
àmhghar -air, -an, sm Affliction, tribulation, anguish, trouble, sorrow, distress, adversity, calamit...an còrr |
dùil -e, -ean, sf Hope, expectation. 2 Belief. 3 Supposition. 4 Desire. 5 Delight. Tha dùil againn...an còrr |
bi irreg v Be, exist. Conjugated thus: IND pres tha mi etc, I etc am. IND ...an còrr |
coinneamh -imh, -an, sf Meeting. 2 Assembly, convention. 3 Interview. 4 Facing. 5 Opposing. 6 Assignati...an còrr |
éideadh -idh, -ean, sm Clothing, apparel. 2 Act of clothing. 3 Armour. 4 Act of arming. 5* Uniform. 6...an còrr |
arsa v defect Said, quoth. [The s of the Gaelic really belongs to the pronoun, “sé...an còrr |
cothrom -uim, -an, sm Equipoise, equilibrium. 2 Weight, any certain weight. 3 Justice, equal terms, a...an còrr |
ath-bhrosnachadh -aidh, sm Rallying, re-inspiring with courage. 2 Resuming of courage. Ag ath-bhrosnachadh, ...an còrr |