Am Faclair Beag

Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn
An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly

Dèan lorg airson
Roghainnean an luirg
  Cuir an òrdugh a-rèir
 toraidhean air an aon duilleag
Clas an fhacail

Toraidhean an Fhaclair Bhig
an-dé /əNʲˈdʲeː/ Listen
co-ghn. neo-ath.
seachdain on dé
a week from yesterday, yesterday week
on dé
from/since yesterday
an t-seachdain gus an-dé Listen
the week just gone, the last/past week (up until today)
an latha an-dé
the past
nam b' e an-diugh an-dé
if I had known that yesterday, if I had only known that
bha mi aig mullach mo shòlais an-dé ach tha mi air cabhsair mo shòlais an-diugh
I was on top of the world yesterday but today I'm at rock bottom (fig.)
b' fheàrr a' chuid sin an-dé na uile gu léir an-diugh
everything in moderation (fig.)
cha dioc leam iad an-dé
they were inconvenient for me yesterday, they didn't suit me yesterday
cha b' ann an-diugh no an-dé a rugadh mise
I wasn't born yesterday (fig.)
thug mi latha dubh air an-dé
I worked really hard on it yesterday
b' fheàrr sealltainn air sin an-dé na gu léir an-diugh
look before you leap (fig.)
bha mi a' dorsaireachd mun taigh an-dé
I stayed indoors/inside yesterday
dé a' ghleòrais a bha air an-dé?
what was he wasting his time on yesterday?
bha ion-thubaist aice an-dé
she had a near miss yesterday
bha cràdh 'nam làmhan an-dé Listen
my hands were in severe pain yesterday
cho math is ged a b' ann an-dé a bha ann
as well as if it had been only yesterday
dé na h-uiread de dh'airgead a fhuair thu an-dé?
how much money did you get yesterday?
bha Calum ri tapagan an-dé
Calum had many slips of the tongue yesterday
chan fhaighear an-dé air ais an-diugh
gone is gone (fig.)
tha rud-eigin de thuar an latha an-dé air poileasaidh a' bhùird
the board's policy is somewhat old-fashioned
nam b' e an-dé an-diugh
if yesterday were today
tha cuimhne agam air an latha sin cho math 's a th' agam air an-dè
I remember it as if it were yesterday
an schnitzel a tha a chòrr on dé
the schnitzel that is left over from yesterday
tha rud-eigin de thuar an latha an-dé air a' bhriogais seo
these trousers look a bit old-fashioned, there is a somewhat old-fashioned look to these trousers
Toraidhean Dwelly
adv Yesterday. Air bhon-dé, the day before yesterday; an-diugh is an-dé, today and còrr
-ean, sf Rutting of deer. 2 Rutting-time. 3 The month of October [preceded by the art. an] còrr

adv (an-dé) Yesterday. Air bhon-dé, the day before yesterday.
adv Until, so. Gus an till iad, until they return; gus am faic mi thu, till I see còrr
adv Early, betimes, soon. Éirich moch, rise early; moch an-dé, early yesterday; còrr
-e, -ean, sf Week, seven days. Seachdain bhogadh nad gad, rotation week; seachdain còrr
“air a' mhoth an-dé,” Arran for “air bhòn-dé,” the day before còrr